クイーンズ・クオリティ 1 (Queen’s Quality, #1)

“There’s nothing as incomprehensible as your own inner self…and nothing as perilous.”

I am still shocked at how much I love this series, but here we are with me buying all of Queen’s Quality and QQ Sweeper because I need more! LOL!

Seriously though, it’s a very fantastic series and really enjoy the “supernatural” aspect mixed in with the really sweet romance. (Why has no one said Kytaro is best boy?! He is AMAZING! Also facts by Takaya that he totally more or less said a marriage proposal to Fumi LOL) Usually, supernatural stories are not something I am fond of, but I feel like this volume really captures the battle in our own minds and the importance of having people we trust to help us when we’re getting “pulled under.” Fumi IS an ordinary girl, but seeing her struggles as the Queen starts emerging was REALLY relatable. Motomi has a gift in showcasing the unseen battle that is always happening in us and all around us.

Something that really surprised me in this volume is the actions of Ataru. When his sister started talking about the new “pretty slave,” I was pretty taken aback at how corrected his sister for her wrong words. Not only that, I felt his motives were realistic and compelling, which I…was not fond of. It made him seem less “villain-like” (though he is DEFINITELY a villain) because him wanting to vanish evil truly adds another layer of don’t we all want that as people? It is a REALLY good part of this story! Though with that said, evil actions are never the answer and I think we are already seeing how true that is. Evil can’t get rid of evil, but light can (even though that part hasn’t been “explored” quite like that, but I truly hope it will!)

Now while this story is DEEP, I also really enjoy how Motomi gives us such sweet moments between Fumi and Kyutaro! (That shopping scene was HILARIOUS! LOL) I ship them SO much and absolutely love how much Kyutaro cares for Fumi! Plus, Koichi and Granny are amazing and love their characters so much too! The way they stand by Fumi and genuinely help and guide her as well as support her is so encouraging to see in fiction.

This series continues to blow me away! It is powerful and a fun read that I’m like, “I need all day just to read!” LOL! Highly recommend!!