10 Essential QA Interview Questions and Answers [2023] | Toptal®

The essential part of testing is the validation of results. In test automation, throughout each test case, we make validation checks to assure that we are getting the right results.

In order to perform those checks, for example by using Selenium [https://www.toptal.com/selenium/interview-questions] framework, we use the Assert* and Verify* classes of commands.

Both assert and verify command groups check if the given conditions are true. The difference is what happens if the condition is false and the check fails. When an assert command fails, the code following it will not be executed and the test will break immediately. On the other hand, when a verify command fails, the code will continue with execution regardless.

We use assert commands when the code following them depends on their success. E.g. we want to perform actions on a page only if we are logged in as an admin user. In that case, we will assert that the currently logged-in user equals the admin user, and test code will execute only if that condition is met—otherwise there’s no point, because we know we’re testing in the wrong environment.

We use verify commands when the code after them can be executed regardless of the condition having been met. E.g. checking a web page title: We just want to make sure that the page title is as expected and we will log the outcome of the verify command. An incorrect title alone shouldn’t affect the rest of what’s being tested.