10 Popular Logo Fonts for Your Branding Design 2023 – Fotor

Logos are somewhat a marriage of graphics and letters, solemnized by a skillful designer. Wherein, the choice of colors, fonts, and placement decide the longevity and success of the union. And here we are to throw some light on the front side of this union, with information on the popular logo fonts 2020, tips, and how to choose them.

To begin with, many of us have been buoyed by the cool and smart logos that many brands have crafted and the character it adds to the brand. Indeed, a logo has enough potential to make or break a brand. This is because the right typography can impact a brand’s visual impact and how people perceive it.

Types Of Popular Logo Fonts

The internet is flooded with many famous brand fonts as we mentioned fonts design trends. Top, right, left and bottom, there’s a treasure trove of logo fonts, yet we often spend hours choosing one. And why not? Your logo is going to be your brand’s identity and every graphic, and style and word are going to have an impact on its future marketing.

So here are the most popular logo fonts for your brand, categorized under different tastes and niches. Have a look!



If you want your logo to mean business, so be it! Your best fit shall be a clean and minimalist font to pair with your logo, and empower its magnetism. So here are two professional fonts for your brand’s logo.

1. Proxima Nova

This professional font by Adobe Fonts is elegance par excellence. It is straight, simple, and crisp. Yet, the cool part is that you will have more than 40 styles of this font at your disposal. Though it was originally released in 2005 by Mark Simonson, it has a unique geometrical feel with an experience that never gets outdated. This font is available in seven weights, namely, thin, semibold, bold, extra bold, regular, light, and black. These are varied in terms of italics, small caps, condensed and extra-condensed styles.


Source: Spotify

2. TT Commons

Powered with 22 styles, TT Commons is one of the best sans serif fonts for logos, with low contrast strokes, and elegant geometric shapes of each character. It is a great fit for any corporation that wishes to send out its message loud and clear. Besides, it steals many hearts with its smooth curves and simplicity and the logos with this font is set to stay attractive for years to come. It can be a suitable candidate for being one of the best fonts for clothing brands, fashion accessories, etc.

tt commons

Source: ifonts.xyz

  • Artistic

If you are looking for classy and famous brand fonts for your brand’s logo, you may venture into the artsy zone. Logos with artistic vibes are more prone to turn into impact makers, yet there is slight caution to be taken that the design doesn’t go overboard and miss the message. Here are two famous fonts used in logos with artistic outlook.

bamhusa pro

Source: MyFont

3. Bambusa Pro

The handwritten cursive letterforms make Bambusa Pro unpredictably elegant. Designed by Hanneke Classen, its letters are sturdy yet expressive and evenly spread out. It is typical of the handwriting written by bamboo pens, and hence the name. The long swashes are somewhat new for the font but appreciated enough for its eccentricity.

4. Steak

Another famous brand font, Steak has a bohemian touch. It goes pretty well with a variety of niches, be it food and beverage, a salon, or any craftsy brand. The best part? As much as it sounds appetizing, so is its visual appeal. It is available in three styles, namely, Steak Barbeque, Braised, and Smoked. Besides, Steak comes packed with 850 glyphs, in addition to many ligatures, ascending and descending versions, swashes, and a lot more.


Source: MyFonts

  • Creative

Remember the creativity of top brand fonts in logos of Toblerone, Spartan Golf Club, Barcode, Sony Vaio, among many others? They have all hidden simple and unique messages in creatively crafted logo designs. And true that the graphics play a major part in such logos, the font is not something to be taken lightly.

creative (1)

5. Futuracha


Source: Facebook

6. Horizon

A neat and creative logo font that will remind you of the good old Star Wars days, Horizon truly adds endless scope to your brand’s logo. This sans serif typeface font comes with five font styles and multilingual support across different platforms. However, the most creative side of Horizon font is its ability to stay versatile which makes it count among the most trending logo fonts. You may feel free to use it for logos of magazines, solo artists, production houses, among others, as it has a wide potential.


Source: FFonts

  • Cool

Being cool is a fashionable way to get into the hearts of customers. And to make a cool and relatable logo, you will need an equally cool font. So here are our top two picks.


7. Revista

A cool stencil typeface, Revista is all that you need for a cool and classy logo that stands out and about to every viewer. It features a broken letter font with one of the best serif logo fonts and characters. Besides, the more than twenty styles of Revista that are available have quite a variety of widths, thin, light, black, italic, et cetera.


Source: MyFonts

8. Azedo

Named after its Portuguese designer, Pedro Azedo, this typeface will leave you enthralled with its charm and charisma. It is especially one of the top fonts for logo design as the characters are designed to be bold, intriguing and attention grabbers. This Sans Serif Font is inspired by intricacies of geometric figures, and to impress every eye set on it.


Source: Cufonfonts

9. Cute

Cute logos are must o brands that have to connect with the audience with kids, fashion, gaming, entertainment, and even food industries. Have a look at the top cute fonts that will help your brand logo look simply awe-some!


9. Southern Script

What could be cuter than the font type that reminds of the playful beach atmosphere? Indeed, this font type will be perfect for logos of beachside hotels and restaurants, food chains, apparel brands among many other possibilities. It has an unmistakable charm and comes packed with uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and punctuation.

southern script

Source: Fontbundles

10. Milkshake

Milkshake is both fresh and cute. It has a charming hand-drawn and brushstroke texture that looks playful yet easy to read. This cute typeface is designed with 669 glyphs, that are inclusive of more than 80 swashes and 10 ligatures. Furthermore, it is fun and fancy and in a short span of its release (11 May 2016) it has become quite popular for both logos and text usage.


Source: Fontsquirrel

Top Tips For A Logo Design With Popular Fonts

The font that a brand uses in its logo becomes an identity of a brand. And when people start identifying a font with the logo, that’s one milestone of success. But to reach here a lot goes into the process. One of the essential steps is to choose the right font and then use it optimally. So here are the top tips for designing your logo with popular fonts to create the future’s trend-worthy brand logos.

1. Choose a typeface that identifies with the Brand’s personality

Irrespective of the business niche, each brand needs to carve its own personality. For instance, a famous perfume brand like Gucci uses serif font type in their logo, while Louis Vuitton chose a San Serif font type. You have complete freedom to decide how you wish your brand to be perceived, and which font type will help it carry the right ambiance.

So the first step shall be to choose one from the following font type categories for your logo’s font. (and these are just briefly categorized)

  • Serif: The Serif typefaces enthuse more of class and traditions. Many famous company fonts like that of Burberry, Prada, Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Georgio Armani among many others use Serif. So this will suit you if you wish to present your brand as trustworthy, customer loyalty, and traditional.
  • Sans Serif: Sans Serif features on the modern side of the serif typeface with simple strokes and gentle curves of letters as evident from the logos of Microsoft, Panasonic, Kawasaki, and Caterpillar. TT Coolmax and Azado are some of the best sans serif fonts for logos that are brilliant if you seek a clean and minimalist look.
  • Script: Script, as the name suggests is more of Feminine, with letters arranged in cursive handwriting pattern. They look more authentic and relatable. Refer to the logos of Virgin, Coca Cola, Kelloggs, and Barbie, that use Script typeface.
  • Novelty: If you wish to stay unpredictable or out of the world, you may play around with funky and unusual fonts out there. These are formed by merging two or more font types or fonts with graphics. Upside Down Productions, Nosey, ABC Promo, and Killed Productions are some unusual logo fonts.

2. Mix and Match Different Fonts

Feel free to experiment with different fonts to come up with something unique and unidentifiable. Besides, you won’t even have to bother about your logo being identified with their brands or vice versa. Besides, you may also choose to simply use different fonts for different parts of the logo. You may even pick the most common logo fonts, and create something new out of them.

3. Keep it solo

Today, there are many world-renowned brands that make logos based on text rather than graphics. Exxon Mobil, Google, IBM, and Coca Cola are prominent examples. The trick will be to choose a unique looking font that will carve a unique identity for your brand, and who knows your logo ends up being more of a marketing asset. But do ensure that you find the best font for logo name, that can stand its ground independently.


How many fonts should you use in a logo?

You must never use more than two fonts in your logo. Too many fonts will suffocate the intent of the logo as well as confuse the audience. Besides, you can bring in variations by using different typefaces with the same font, or different fonts with the same typefaces, or vary the styles. All in all your logo text must be clear to read and understand.

How to combine text and the icon in your logo?

Logos with a blend of both icons and text, tend to speak an indirect language and the key to a successful logo is that people must be able to understand what they are designed to echo.

So here are a few points that will help you combine text and icons in your logo with perfection. Have a look!

  • Keep a fair distance between them, so that each has an independent identity, without being disengaged from each other.
  • Pick colors for the icon and text which are prominently associated with the brand but in contrast or matching shades.
  • You may use different fonts for the icon (if it includes letters), and logo text. You may also vary their typefaces to bring in a little diversity in the logo.
  • While selecting the icon, look for shapes and objects that signify the brand, so that both the icon and the text portray the same meaning.
  • Add design elements that identify with the brand, be it the text or the icon.

How to create a logo with popular fonts using Fotor