10 Skincare Products With AHA and BHA for Glowing Skin

If you deal with unexpected breakouts or blackheads and whiteheads lingering around your pores, chances are you’ve discovered or at least have heard of AHA and BHA products. AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acid, which are water-soluble acids that remove dead skin cells, while BHA stands for beta hydroxy acid, which are oil-soluble and regulate oil production, according to Cynthia Rivas, an esthetician and skin care expert based in New York City. 

Both AHAs and BHAs exfoliate the skin and are both on the ingredients list of many exfoliating products on the market today. “In general, they are safe to use for everyone, but sensitive skin types should look for products with a low concentration of BHA and higher AHA which is more gentle on the skin,” explains Rivas. Using a product that has AHA and BHA combination ingredients can help revive dull skin, exfoliate dead cells and even help stave off acne and future breakouts. Here are our picks for the best AHA and BHA combination products to try.