10 Best Places to Buy Seeds – Where to Order Seeds for Gardening
Spring has almost sprung! Which means it’s time to get back in the garden and make some magic happen. Many plants are easy to grow from seed such as lettuce, cucumbers, peas, squash, kale, sunflowers, pansies, marigolds and many more. Other plants, such as tomatoes and peppers, need a little more coddling to start from seed, but they’re still relatively easy if you have a bright window or inexpensive LED grow light. Whether you’re growing your own vegetables, herbs, annuals or perennials, starting any plant from seed is an economical (and fun!) way to stock your garden. That means you’ll want to visit the best places to buy seeds.
There are so many benefits to ordering your seeds online. For one, you’ll have access to more varieties than you can find at your local nursery. For another, many of these companies also supply seedlings, live plants, and bulbs, as well as additional garden supplies. So, you can shop for everything you need to start a vegetable garden in one place!
Reading the seed package helps give you a better understanding of growing from seeds, too: Look for the “days to harvest,” which helps you determine the last date you can plant. Then, count back from your area’s first frost date to get an idea of when you need to start seeds indoors or outdoors once all danger of frost is past. However, some plants, such as lettuce and beans, are better off being “direct seeded,” which means you plant them directly in raised garden beds or opt for smaller planters or pots and do not have to give them a head start indoors. Ahead, shop the best places to buy seeds for your garden. Then check out for all the tools and accessories you could need!