11 Things Companies Can Do To Improve Their Employees’ Quality Of Life

It’s an employee’s market these days, meaning workers have more opportunity to shop for the right job based on their needs vs. companies that have to navigate skill shortages and compete with each other for the best talent.

Companies that provide an improved quality of life for employees, whether with skilled management that makes the work environment better or through flexible work schedules, will likely have better retention rates and easier times hiring. Below, members of Forbes Coaches Council each identify one thing companies should be doing more of to improve their employees’ lives.

1. Explain Changes 

I coach many employees who spend time speculating about what a management decision means. They complain management doesn’t know what position a change has put them in. Explain changes in a way that makes sense to employees. Acknowledge the position you put them in, as in, “I know this changes your…” Describe how and why you know they can handle it. This will decrease anxiety and increase productivity.   – Mary Schaefer, Artemis Path, Inc. 

2. Slow Down To Speed Up 

Most companies run at warp speed. Here is a five-step framework that allows them to “slow down to speed up”: 1. Identify the topic. 2. What is the vision for the topic? 3. What does it look like when it’s done, and done well? 4. What are the potential challenges that could prevent the vision from happening? 5. How will those challenges be addressed should they arise? Being proactive is key.   – Robbin Jorgensen, Women Igniting Change 

3. Follow Through On Initiatives 

Yoda said, “Do or do not do. There is no try.” Many companies implement “initiatives” that promise to make things better, but those promises often fall short. Management: When you place a box in the conference room to solicit employee feedback, do something with what you get! Hold managers accountable for acting on ideas, and involve employees in planning and execution. Feedback is your friend, so don’t “try” to change things; do change them.   – Laura M. Labovich, The Career Strategy Group 

4. Customizable Work Environments 

While some companies have created vibrant and flexible workspaces for the way people truly think, create and work, it’s still not the norm. To attract and retain top performers, companies need to allow more freedom for out-of-the-box workspaces: standing, pacing, being messy, telecommuting, flex-time, napping and even art. Give staff a say in how they work, and watch their productivity soar.   – Laura DeCarlo, Career Directors international 

5. Provide Thoughtful And Meaningful Feedback On A Regular Basis 

Most desire the opportunity to improve. Providing feedback is a meaningful way to create a space for growth. Unfortunately, most leaders only provide feedback in a formal setting called “the annual performance review.” It is impossible to successfully give feedback only once a year. Successful leaders give feedback on regular basis by capturing moments to discuss what is working (and not working).   – Michelle Braden, MSBCoach, LLC 

6. Equip Leaders With Skills To Handle Difficult Conversations 

Companies need to encourage leaders to develop the skills — and demonstrate a willingness — to engage in crucial conversations. Because emotions can get messy and conflict can be uncomfortable, many leaders avoid potentially volatile discussions. Leaders with the ability to have these conversations can make a difference in employees’ lives, addressing their concerns with empathy and authenticity.   – Jody Michael, Jody Michael Associates 

7. Evaluate Whether Employees Are Overworked 

Being willing to truthfully evaluate if a person is being asked to perform more than what is possible for one employee. If the evaluation determines yes, the company can create an action plan to change the expectation in order to allow this person can be successful in their role. Being successful generates positive energy, which will enhance their quality of life at home and at work.   – Kris McCrea Scrutchfield, McCrea Coaching 

8. Individualize 

This can be challenging in corporate America since “fairness” is subjectively defined. Each person has different needs and motivations. One may want to leave to get to his son’s soccer game, whereas another prefers to commute during off hours. First, learn how each individual is motivated and specifically what they want (surveys work great!). Then, empower your managers to get creative.   – Michelle Tillis Lederman, Executive Essentials 

9. Hold Managers Accountable 

Managers are primarily responsible for their employees’ quality of life at work. Coach managers to take an active role in understanding their employees’ individual thoughts, feelings, experiences and level of engagement. Hold managers accountable, track their progress, and ensure they continuously maintain their focus on employees’ quality of life.   – Lianne Lyne, PLP Coaching, LLC 

10. Just Ask 

The two-step simple path to success for any company with a commitment to improve life for their employees is to ask your employees what matters to them, what they care most about, and what motivates them. It will be different for each one. Really get to know them. Listen to their responses and keep notes to ensure you know what each employee cares about. Of course, kindness makes a difference, too.   – Suzi Pomerantz, Innovative Leadership International LLC 

11. Offer Flexible Hours 

Not all companies are offering flex timing benefits. Flex timing is crucial in this fast-paced world with multiple things clamoring for our time and attention. Appointments, family and kids, side projects, daily upkeep of home and surroundings, avoiding traffic, etc. are a few of the reasons that all employees need the option of flexible hours.   – Gia Ganesh, Gia Ganesh Coaching