17 Quality Control Information You’ll ever need | Learn Quality

What is Quality Control?

Basically, it’s the system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification. Yet, you can define quality control in several other ways. Like, we can also define it as the process of setting standards and testing. This makes sure that you have done your product or service correctly.

It should be noted that a quality control system is a system by which you check goods at different points in the production process. But why? To ensure that there are no faults and defects. Moreover, whether the goods meet all necessary specifications or not. Furthermore, quality control also involves inspecting the finished products. This also helps in the confirmation of you are delivering what the customer wants in the best possible quality.

Companies, whether big or small often have quality control departments who work together to produce the best results. Some people even confuse this with the process of quality assurance, they may be identical. However, they are different.

Quality Control vs Quality Assurance:

Both of these methods play vital and distinct roles in the matter of companies. So, you just need to understand these roles to help your organization flourish. Moreover, mastering each helps in delivering the best products possible. Let’s not confuse both the terminologies, and start with what exactly is the difference.

Quality assurance (QA) looks at the wider aspect. It is basically a series of actions. This series of actions helps to design and manufacture a safe and effective product. They do this by building quality controls into the product life cycle. Quality Assurance is a part of quality management that focuses on providing confidence that we will fulfill the quality requirements.

On the other hand, quality control (QC) is the test procedure. This is used to verify that a product is safe and effective after you do the process of manufacturing. While, Quality control is a part of quality management that focuses on fulfilling the quality requirements like the faults in manufacturing, raw materials, etc.

Quality assurance points and relates to how you form the process is or how a product is made. Meanwhile, quality control focuses more on the inspection aspect of quality management. So, we can’t neglect both. Especially, when we know that they both are necessary. You can’t rely on QC or QA alone. You need both for efficacy.