20+ Quality Control Books for Free! [PDF] | InfoBooks.org

With the idea of providing a gateway to information of great interest and usefulness, we have developed a select list of free books. On this occasion the topic to be shared is Quality Control.

We have made a selection of books on Quality Control, all in PDF format. This with the only purpose of offering you the option to consult all the data you need, without any kind of restriction.

Quality Control has been established as one of the vital processes in every production process. This is because through this control, the adequate execution of the processes is guaranteed, and it is certified that the production complies with what was planned.

Nowadays, this type of control is essential due to the characteristics of the current market, especially as far as competition is concerned. So much so, that large organizations have experts, machinery and computer systems to validate what is produced in their factories.

Quality Control, although it is much more common in the production market, is also implemented in companies that provide services. In this case, surveys and questionnaires are used, among other mechanisms, to validate customer satisfaction with regard to the service received.

Our selection has more than 20 books of Quality Control in PDF format, in which you can consult all the relevant information about the subject.

It is important to note that all the books that make up our list have been assigned for free publication and distribution, or are in the public domain.

Here we present our complete selection of Quality Control Books:

1) Total quality management and six sigma

Tauseef Aized


2) Quality Management

Graeme Knowles


3) A comprehensive guide quality control

Various authors


4) Guide to Quality Control for Smalland Medium-Sized Practices

International Federation of Accountants IFAC


5) Quality Management & ISO 9001 Standard (Presentation)

Various authors


6) Quality Glossary



7) Principles of Quality Control (Presentarion)

Sverre Sandberg


8) Quality management principles 2015

Various authors


9) Basic Concepts of Quality (Presentation)

Kibabii University


10) Inventory management, improvement and QA/QC

Justin Goodwin and Tinus Pulles


11) Quality assurance and quality control

Joe Mangino


12) Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) (Presentation)

Construction Development Board


13) Guide to quality control and quality checklists

The Sustainable Heritage Network


14) Construction plans quality control / Quality assurance manual

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development DOTD


15) The Importance of Standards and Quality Control (Presentation)

OVOP National Secretariat, Kenya


16) Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control: The Appropriate Techniques for Solving Quality Problems in the Organizations

Behnam Neyestani


17) Application of 7 Quality Control (7 QC) Tools for Continuous Improvement of Manufacturing Processes

Varsha M. Magar, Vilas B. Shinde


18) Implementation of Quality Control Tools and Techniques in Manufacturing Industry for Process Improvement

Heena Sharma, N.M Suri


19) The significance of the quality management system in making management decisions (Article)

Sofija Petkovska, Biljana Gjorgjeska


20) Quality management systems (Presentation)

Various authors


21) Quality Assurance and Quality Control

United States Environmental Protection Agency


Here ends our selection of free Quality Control books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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