2181920 Quality Engineering-Notes PDF-Units-1 – 1 Introduction Course Contents ####### 1. ####### 1. – Studocu



Course Contents

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Evolution of quality concepts. Part
classification and coding
Different definitions of quality.
Quality dimensions.
Quality assurance.
Quality control
Quality management.
Views of different quality gurus.

  1. Introduction to Quality Quality Engineering (2181920)

− Quality concepts are evolving continuously for more than hundred years. Organizations
need to adapt these quality concepts to gain competitive advantages. In the 21st century
also quality concepts will continue to evolve.
− The quality can be worked out for the enhancement of life by optimum utilization of
resources in use. In recent years, Indian industries have understood this aspect of quality
and have been inculcating the Quality culture in their products and services which are
good sign for Indian industries.

1 Evolution of Qu a lity Concepts:-

− The evolution of quality concepts have developed in the following ways according to the
year in which the concept was evolved.
– 1140 – Craftsman trained apprentices to ensure the quality and standard of work.
– 1765 -1815- During the industrial revolution process of manufacturing was broken
down into small jobs. The craftsman became inspector and standards emerged.
– 1800s – 1990s- Inspection.
– 1930s- Stastical Quality Control.
– 1950s- Quality assurance.
– 1980s- Strategic Quality Management.
– Current- Continual Improvement.

The evolution has included changes in:

  • Primary concerns that quality addresses.

  • How quality was viewed?

  • What was emphasis?

  • Methods used.

  • Role of quality professionals.

  • Responsibility towards quality.

  • Approach to quality.
    Inspection era: 1800s

  • Primary concern- detection of defects.

  • View of quality- A problem to be solved.

  • Emphasis- Product uniformity.

  • Methods- gauging and measurement.

  • Role of quality professionals- Inspection, counting and grading, sorting.

  • Responsibility- The inspection department.

  • Approach- ‘Inspects in’ quality.

Statistical Control: 1930s

  • Primary concern- control.
  1. Introduction to Quality Quality Engineering (2181920)

the specifications. His job is also, whether he knows it or not, continual improvement of
3. According to Joseph M Juran quality means those features of products that meet
customer needs and thereby provides customer satisfaction.
4. Quality is a pragmatic system of continual improvement, a way to successfully organise
men and machines.
5. The meaning of excellence is called Quality.
6. Quality is unyielding and continuing effort by everyone in an organization to undestand,
meet, and exceed the needs of of its customers.
7. Quality means the best product that you can produce with the materials that you have
to work with.
8. Quality means continuous good product which a customer can trust.
9. Quality means producing a product or service that meets the needs or expectations of
the customer.
10. Quality means not only satisfying customers, but delighting them, innovating and
11. According to customers quality means fitness to purpose.
12. According to producers/providers quality means meeting requirement.
13. According to Taguchi quality means ‘the minimum loss imparted by the product to
society from the time product is shipped.’
14. ISO 9000 (old definition): The totality of characteristics of an entity (product or service)
that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.
15. ISO 9000 (new definition): Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill

1 Dimensions of Quality

− The following are the dimensions of a quality of a product.

  1. Performance: Main characteristics of the products or service.
  2. Aesthetics: Appearance, feel, sell and taste.
  3. Special Features: extra characteristics.
  4. Conformance: how will a product or service corresponds to the customer’s
  5. Safety: risk of injury or harm.
  6. Reliability: consistency of a performance.
  7. Durability: useful life of a product or service.
  8. Perceived Quality: indirect evaluation of a quality (reputation).
  9. Service after sales: handling of the complaints or checking for customer’s satisfaction.

Quality Engineering (2181920) 1. Introduction to Quality


1 Quality Assurance: –

− It means ensuring conformity of quality to the required basic operation. All the planned
and systematic activities implemented within the quality systems and demonstrated as
needed to provide adequate confidence that an entity will fulfill for quality
− Assurance means keeping the promises. When needs and capabilities are understood,
and the system is improved, we need to ensure that the process works. The modern
concept of quality starts on the manufacturing line, where Quality professionals work to
ensure that the products are meeting the specifications and the domain of quality
assurance that masters the document systems and audit process. The quality of
assurance is about meeting stated and implied promises. Quality is all about consistency.

1 Inspection:
− An inspection is, most generally, an organized examination or formal evaluation

exercise. In engineering activities inspection involves the measurements, tests, and
gauges applied to certain characteristics in regard to an object or activity. The results are
usually compared to specified requirements and standards for determining whether the

item or activity is in line with these targets. Inspections are usually non-destructive.

− The inspection can be classified into three basic kinds:

  • Centralized Inspection which is carried out centrally in a plant in quality department of
    inspection room. The benefit of centralized inspection is that the process can be carried
    out on machines which cannot be taken to the shop floor. Also the supervisors or
    inspectors get a better working environment since they are away from the noises and
    other factors which decrease their efficiency to work on the shop floor. The results
    which are obtained by this kind of inspections are so accurate since the inspection is
    carried out in close atmosphere with machines so no chances of human errors are there.
  • Decentralized or Shop Floor or Online Inspection: This method of inspection is carried
    out on shop floor while the production process is in progress, inspection is either carried
    out from machine to machine or from workstation to workstation so the parts or
    components which are manufactured can be inspected on line and if there are any
    defects then it can be solved out quickly and if there are any necessary steps which shall
    be taken in changing the process it can be done on the shop floor itself saving time and
    reducing the rejections.
  • Surprise Inspection: A surprise inspection tends to have different results than an
    announced inspection. Leaders wanting to know how others in their organization
    perform can drop in without warning, to see directly what happens. If an inspection is
    made known in advance, it can give people a chance to cover up or to fix mistakes. This
    could lead to distorted and inaccurate findings. A surprise inspection, therefore, gives
    inspectors a better picture of the typical state of the inspected object or process than an
    announced inspection

Quality Engineering (2181920) 1. Introduction to Quality

Customer focus
Since the organizations depend on their customers, therefore they should understand
current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and try to exceed
the expectations of customers. An organization attains customer focus when all people in
the organization know both the internal and external customers and also what customer
requirements must be met to ensure that both the internal and external customers are
Leaders of an organization establish unity of purpose and direction of it. They should
go for creation and maintenance of such an internal environment, in which people can
become fully involved in achieving the organization’s quality objective.
Involvement of people
People at all levels of an organization are the essence of it. Their complete
involvement enables their abilities to be used for the benefit of the organization.
Process approach
The desired result can be achieved when activities and related resources are managed
in an organization as process.
System approach to management
An organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its quality objectives are
contributed by identifying, understanding and managing all interrelated processes as a
Continual improvement
One of the permanent quality objectives of an organization should be the continual
improvement of its overall performance.
Factual approach to decision making
Effective decisions are always based on the data analysis and information.
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Since an organization and its suppliers are interdependent, therefore a mutually
beneficial relationship between them increases the ability of both to add value.
These eight principles form the basis for the quality management system standard ISO


− The following are the view of different quality gurus and their share for the quality:
Dr. Edward Deming: According to him quality is dynamic and is a business strategy. He
said that every activity should be aimed at customer. He then introduced the concept of
activity flow, contrary to the hierarchical system. Dr. Deming defined quality as ‘a
product or a service possesses the quality if it helps someone to live better and enjoy a
large and sustainable market.’ He had given PDSA cycle (Plan, Do, Study and Act). He had
also given 14 points of Quality Control.
Balaji Reddie- founder of the quality movement in India: He was very much impressed
by Deming’s philisophy of quality and so he had founded Deming Forum (India) and got

  1. Introduction to Quality Quality Engineering (2181920)

the permission from the W. Edward Deming Institute in the United States to use their
official logo, and he had started the website demingindia for the noble cause
of Quality movement in India
Fredrick W. Taylor and specific Management: According to Taylor, each job-time
calculation finally resulted into an overall job completion time, known as standard time.
Based on standard time, the production rate was decided and given to workers as
targets. He is considered to be father of Scientific Management which has helped to
ensure quality levels.
Dr. Joseph Juran: He broadened the quality from the stastical origin to the total quality
management (TQM). He added human dimension to quality. ‘The Quality Trilogy: Quality
Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement.’ Published in 1986, identified a third
aspect to the quality management, that is, the quality planning. Juran’s triology relates
the with the product deficiencies and exhibits the units of measure such as the cost of
poor quality, error rate percentage, percent defective, service call rate and so on. It will
also help ensure the product stability throughout the process.

[ References: Quality control by V.A & A.K-page: – 5, 7, 17, 25]