4 Essential Practices for Better Code Quality in Python

This article explores the best practices for code quality in Python, mostly based on PEP 8 , the standard guide for Python code.

Coding involves writing algorithms to instruct computers to perform specific tasks using programming languages. Like natural languages, programming languages have syntactic and semantic rules for communication. However, flexibility in coding can compromise efficiency and communication, making readability a crucial aspect. Most programming languages, including Python, have coding standards to provide guidelines for producing readable, maintainable, and scalable code. 🧑‍💻

Unlock the secrets of writing top-quality Python code with these essential best practices for coding in Python.

So, What’s PEP8?

Guido van Rossum, the inventor of Python, once said, “Code is read much more often than it is written. Code should always be written in a way that promotes readability.” To achieve this, he, along with Barry Warsaw and Nick Coghlan, wrote PEP 8, a style guide for Python code in 2001. PEP 8 provides recommendations for naming variables, line length, and other aspects of code consistency. Although not mandatory, following PEP 8 is advisable to enhance one’s professional credentials. ✅Companies may also define their conventions when PEP 8 does not fit specific scenarios.

1. The Importance of Indentation in Python Programming.

Indentation is a crucial aspect of Python programming, referring to the spaces at the beginning of a code line. Unlike other programming languages where indentation is merely a readability tool, Python mandates indentation to open a block of code. Each indentation level in Python consists of four consecutive spaces, as illustrated in the following code snippet:

2. Why Sticking to the Maximum Line Length in Python Matters.

PEP 8, the style guide for Python code, recommends that lines should not exceed 79 characters. Shorter lines are more readable, and this limit enables you to keep multiple files open side by side.

3. Using Blank Lines.

It’s good practice to add two blank lines before and after top-level function and class definitions. Within a class, method definitions should be separated by a single blank line. You may also use extra blank lines (in moderation) to group related functions. Lastly, use blank lines within functions (sparingly) to indicate logical sections.

Image from Finxter

4. Improve Your Code Quality with Linters and Auto formatters.

Becoming a master at coding takes time, and paying attention to every detail can be challenging and time-consuming. Luckily, there are tools available to help ensure code quality, such as linters and formatters.

Linters perform static analysis on source code, checking for semantic discrepancies, while formatters help to restructure your code by adjusting spacing, line length, argument positioning, and other factors to ensure consistency across files or projects.

Python provides a variety of linters and formatters to choose from, making it easier to maintain a high standard of code quality. E.g. using Pylint on VScode.


This is not all of the best practices, there are still more! Such as Docstring, Commenting, and even Virtual environment best practices. Comment if you want to read more!

Why did the Python developer break up with their code?

Because it had too many issues and they couldn’t ‘commit’ to fixing them all. ❤️‍🩹