5 Major Differences between Quality Assurance and Quality Control Testing

Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) are two terms that are often confused with one another and hence, used interchangeably. This is mainly because both of them are inter-related aspects of major quality management that ensure that the deliverables are of high-quality, meeting the expectations of customers. That being said, there are a number of distinctive differences between the two that we will delve deep into in a discussion on quality assurance vs quality control.

Before moving onto the major differences between quality assurance and quality control, let’s first clearly define the two, according to the guidelines given by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9000).

Quality Assurance

A way of ensuring that quality requirements will be fulfilled – the product will be “Fit for purpose” and made “right the first time”.

Quality Control

A process of fulfilling quality requirements by thoroughly reviewing the quality of all factors involved in production.

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control (QA Vs. QC)

You can be more clear after reading quality assurance versus quality control table.