5 Reasons For Poor Sleep Quality – EG Healthcare

You’re lying in bed, but you can’t sleep. You’ve shut your eyes, but you can’t relax. You are thinking about how much better it would be if you could just be like those who seem to have no trouble sleeping.

The problem is, you are not one of those people. You’re the one who tosses and turns all night, then wakes up exhausted. Well, if you are having problems sleeping and want to know why then this article is for you.

There are many reasons for poor sleep quality, and it can be hard to identify them yourself. However, once you know the reason, it’s easier to find a solution that works for you. Below are some common reasons for poor sleep quality and ways to get your sleep back on track.

Why Is Sleep Quality Important?

Sleep is an important aspect of life. It affects your mood, energy levels, and physical health. Moreover, it is a vital part of maintaining good health. It helps our bodies repair and rejuvenate themselves, making it important for all stages of life.

Sleep quality is the difference between a good night’s sleep and one that leaves you feeling groggy and exhausted the next day. The quality of your sleep will affect how you feel throughout the day.

When you rest well, you are more energized and alert. Your mood is better, and you are able to handle stress better. If you don’t sleep well, you will feel tired and irritable. Your mood may be low, and it’s harder to handle stress.

Reasons Why You’re Getting Poor Sleep Quality

Sleep quality depends not only on the number of hours you sleep but also on how well you sleep within those hours. You may be getting enough hours of shut eye but still suffering from poor sleep quality.

If you have problems falling asleep or not feeling rested when you wake up, it means that you are getting poor sleep quality. There are many reasons why you are not sleeping well. The most common reason is:

  1. Uncomfortable Bedroom Environment

If you’re having trouble sleeping, it could be because of an uncomfortable bedroom environment. If you don’t have the right temperature or if there’s too much light in the room, then you might be more likely to wake up in the middle of the night. Therefore, feeling fatigued when you wake up in the morning.

Here are some things that can make your bedroom feel less than ideal:

Too Hot Or Too Cold

It’s important to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature. That way, you can fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.

Inadequate Lighting

It would be best if you had a bedroom that is well-lit yet not so brightly lit that it interferes with your sleep. If you have a lamp next to your bed, keep the light turned low, so it doesn’t bother you when you are trying to sleep.


If you can hear traffic outside or the television from down the hall, it’s likely that noise will wake you up during the night. You’ll need to reduce these sources of noise as much as possible.


Having a clean and organized bedroom is important so that you don’t feel overwhelmed when trying to get enough zzz at night.

  1. Poor Sleep Habits

If you’re not sleeping well, it could be because of some bad habits. If you want to improve your sleep quality, try cutting these out of your routine.

Using Your Phone Or Computer Before Bed

Blue light from electronic screens can mess with your circadian rhythm and make it hard for you to fall asleep. Try reading a book instead!

Drinking Too Much Caffeine In The Afternoon And Evening

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system, so it’s best to avoid drinking it late in the day or evening.

Smoking Cigarettes Before Bedtime

Nicotine is a stimulant that affects your central nervous system, so smoking before bed is not ideal for getting good rest. Instead, try some relaxing breathing exercises.

Eating Heavy Meals Right Before Bedtime

If you eat a big meal right before hitting the hay, then chances are good that you’ll have trouble falling asleep. Try eating a lighter dinner and avoid anything with lots of grease or sugar in it.

  1. Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are big problems for many people. If you are stressed or anxious, there’s a good chance that you’re having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep during the night. When your mind is racing with stressful thoughts, it’s difficult to relax your body enough to fall asleep.

Stress and anxiety can mess with your circadian rhythm, the natural rhythm that tells your body when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to sleep. Thus, making it hard for you to get a good night sleep. This can lead to fatigue during the day and problems sleeping at night.

Stress can also affect how well your body responds to sleep cues. Even when you’re exhausted, it can be difficult to fall asleep if your stress levels are high. This is because stress alters the chemical signals that normally alert our brains when it’s time for rest or wakefulness.

  1. Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorders are common, but they are often misunderstood. Most people don’t realize that their symptoms are related to a sleep disorder, and so they don’t do anything about it. But there are many steps you can take to address your particular issue.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, it may be because you have one of these four types of sleep disorders:


Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It’s characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or having a non-restful sleep. Insomnia can be acute or chronic. Acute insomnia lasts for less than three weeks and often goes away on its own. On the other hand, chronic insomnia lasts for longer than three months.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Restless legs syndrome happens when your body feels like there’s an uncontrollable urge to move your legs while in bed. It can be an intense, uncomfortable feeling that usually happens in the evening. The urge to move your legs is often worse when you’re resting or sitting still for long periods of time.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is when you stop breathing for a short period of time while you’re asleep. This can happen when your throat muscles collapse, blocking the passage of air. Most people with sleep apnea snore loudly and stop breathing numerous times during the night.


Narcolepsy is when you have uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep, also known as sleep attacks. You may fall asleep and then wake up a few minutes later. Or you might fall asleep and not be able to wake up for hours.

This can happen at any time of the day or night, even when you’re sitting still or being active. Narcolepsy can also cause cataplexy, which is when your muscles become weak and stiff during sleep attacks.

  1. Chronic Health Conditions

It can be hard to get a good night sleep if you’re constantly dealing with one or more chronic health conditions. Health problems require you to take medication daily and may cause discomfort. In addition, the medications themselves can cause side effects that make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Several chronic health conditions can lead to poor sleep quality. Here are some of the most common ones.

Heart Disease

People with coronary heart disease or arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) often experience sleep disturbances. These conditions can cause chest pain and palpitations, making it hard to get comfortable at night. In addition, some medications used to treat heart disease can interfere with sleep.

Respiratory Conditions

If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis, your breathing may be interrupted during sleep. Asthma attacks can also cause people to wake up at night because of trouble breathing.


People who have diabetes often experience sleep patterns disruptions because their blood sugar levels fluctuate. A person’s blood sugar levels can drop during sleep, causing them to wake up feeling drowsy and disoriented.

Ways To Improve Your Sleep Quality

There are several things you can do that may help improve your sleep quality. These include:

Create A Nightly Routine

One of the easiest ways to improve sleep quality is to create a nightly routine. This is a routine that you do every night before bed. It can be as simple as taking a warm bath or reading a book. The important thing is that it helps you wind down and relax before going to sleep.

Make Sure You Have A Comfortable Bed

You might be surprised to find out that your bed is a major part of your sleep quality. The comfort of your bed can determine how well you sleep and how long. You should make sure that you have a comfortable mattress, pillow, and pillowcase, if possible.

If you find your mattress uncomfortable or lumpy, it may be time to replace it with a new one. If needed, you can add a memory foam pad topper underneath the existing mattress.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Changing your sleeping position can make all the difference in your sleep quality. Though many people find sleeping on their side more restful than any other position, it’s not necessarily comfortable for everyone.

You first need to figure out whether you’re a side sleeper or a back sleeper. If you’re a side sleeper, try sleeping on your back instead. This can be uncomfortable at first, but it often leads to better sleep quality in the long run.

If you’re a back sleeper and wake up with aches or pains unrelated to your mattress, consider changing positions again. You may be used to sleeping on your back, but it might not be ideal for you.

Keep Naps Short and Sweet

Napping is a great way to recharge your energy, but if you nap too long, you’ll end up less able to fall asleep at night. Naps should last no longer than 20 minutes. Keep your naps short and sweet if you want to get the benefits of napping without disrupting your sleep schedule.

Don’t Exercise Too Close To Bedtime

Exercising too close to bedtime can actually make it harder for you to get a good night’s sleep. That’s because your body temperature rises during exercise, making it more difficult to cool down and fall asleep. This can cause you to stay awake longer than normal, making it harder for you to get into a deep sleep.

If you do decide to exercise, try not to do it within three hours of your usual bedtime. This will give your body plenty of time to wind down before getting into bed. If possible, schedule your workouts at least four hours before bedtime so that they don’t interfere with any sleep cycles.

Avoid Sugary Foods Before Bed

Sugar is a huge culprit when it comes to poor sleep quality. Sugar can cause blood sugar imbalances, which can lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders. If you have trouble falling asleep, try avoiding sugary foods before bedtime. Instead, snack on nuts or fruit—both are full of healthy fats, which will help to balance your blood sugar levels.

Try Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an ancient form of healing that uses essential oils to promote relaxation. To begin with, find a scent you love and stick with it. You can experiment with different blends, but it helps if you start with one that makes you feel good right off the bat.

Once you’ve found something that works for you, use it as a trigger for your sleep routine. When you get into bed, light some candles and apply your favorite oil. This will help train your brain to associate these activities with falling asleep and make them easier to do on autopilot later on.

Turn Off Electronics An Hour Before Bedtime

The blue light from your phone, tablet, or computer can interfere with your body’s natural sleep cycle. The light from electronic devices also makes it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

To ensure that you get the best quality sleep possible, turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Keep it on silent mode and place it across the room from your bed so that you won’t be tempted to check messages before going to sleep.

Final Note

Taking steps to improve your sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. It will help you feel more rested and energized, which can lead to better productivity during the day.

There are many ways to improve your sleep and reduce the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep. By following these tips and taking care of yourself, you’ll be on your way to getting the rest that you need for a healthier, happier life.