52 Examples of Customer Service Quality

Answering Questions Well

Asking Customers For Feedback


Billing Accuracy

Bliss Point – enough attention but not too much

Building Customer Relationships

Building Rapport

Complaint Handling

Cultured Service / Attention to Tradition

Customer Advocacy – customer complaints change things

Customer is Always Right – taking customers at their word


Empathy for Customer

Engagement in the Culture Surrounding Services

Fair Terms


Following Up – service that doesn’t end at sale


Handling Stressful Interactions

Meeting Commitments

No Pressure Service

Ownership – staff stay with customer until problem resolved


Personal Attention

Personal Presence of Staff


Product / Industry Knowledge

Professional Communication

Professional Demeanor

Recovering From Customer Dissatisfaction



Respect For Customer Privacy

Respect For Space / Boundaries

Respect for the Customer

Service Authenticity – no scripts / fakeness

Service Environment – Accessibility & Inclusion

Service Environment – Ambiance

Service Environment – Luxurious Interiors

Service Environment – Safety & Security

Service Location

Service Recovery – addressing service shortfalls

Service Tone

Service Transparency – telling customers the truth

Sincere & Professional Apologies

Solving Customer Problems

Sustaining Customer Relationships

Tailored Service

Tangible Quality (i.e. quality of product)

Timely / Prompt Service

Turnaround Time

Usability of Self-service Options