6 Ways to Determine Food Quality – Cenza

Food manufacturers know that there’s nothing more important than consumer safety and quality control. The government knows this, too, which is why there are strict rules and regulations when it comes to manufacturing and selling food products to the public.

How exactly does someone determine if a food product meets the required quality standards? Here, we’re sharing some ways food quality is judged. Just keep on reading to find out more.

1. Sensory Attributes

A sensory evaluation of a food product is an essential part of determining food quality. Sensory properties that are assessed include:

  • appearance
  • color
  • texture
  • taste
  • flavor

Clearly, these characteristics are perceived by the senses. Each of these sensory attributes works in concert with one another, creating a general impression of a food product.

2. Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of a food product will help determine the nutrient value. When inspecting a product, the food’s moisture content and fat content are analyzed. The substances used to create the product as well as the amounts will also be analyzed, aiding in quality control.

3. Physical Properties

To determine the quality of a food product, an assessment of the physical properties must also be conducted. Things including water activity, temperature, Brix value, viscosity, and salt levels will be assessed.

If these properties are sufficient, then that bodes well for a good quality report.

4. Microbiological and Toxicological Contaminants

Contaminants found in food can spread foodborne illnesses like listeria and salmonella. Testing food products for both microbiological and toxicological contaminants is an absolute must to ensure the health and safety of consumers.

If a food product is found to be contaminated, then it will be pulled and will not be distributed to consumers.

5. Shelf-Life

The term “shelf-life” refers to how long a product is fit for consumption. Whether or not a food product has a short or long shelf-life can help determine the quality, depending, of course, on the type of product it is.

6. Packaging and Labeling

High quality food will also be accompanied by safe and accurate packaging and labeling. The packaging needs to clearly reflect the product in a way that isn’t misleading, and all nutritional information and/or claims must be presented accurately.

Now You Know How to Determine Food Quality

Ensuring food quality is of the utmost importance when it comes to the health and safety of consumers. Now that you’re aware of these ways to determine food quality, you have a little more insight as to what goes on with your food before it reaches your table.

Are you interested in learning more about food safety? Check out our top-rated food safety training classes that could help you improve food quality and customer satisfaction!