6 ways to learn English by listening to music

Previously, we looked at ways to develop your English skills while relaxing and watching the TV. Many also enjoy listening to music in their free time, and this week we’re giving ideas of how you can learn English by listening to music as well.

I’m sure we all remember the songs that we learnt when we were kids. Perhaps you know “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes” either in English or maybe in your own language. It seems that they are programmed in to our memory and cannot be forgotten! (I also still remember the names of dinosaurs, but I can’t remember any songs for that though!) We’re not asking you to sing kids songs, but music is an excellent way to learn a language for all age groups.

How can you improve your English skills by listening to music?

Listening to songs is another great way for language learners to develop English vocabulary and to improve listening skills. You can do something that you enjoy and learn English at the same time. We can’t promise that you will achieve English fluency just by listening to music, but it’s a good option if your time is limited.

Naturally, you can learn even faster by taking some time to study at home and by taking English courses with professional and qualified teachers, but for now, you can think about your favourite music tracks and take a look at our tips and ideas for how to learn English by listening to music.