82 Examples of Quality

Quality is the value of something to customers. This includes tangible elements such as functionality and intangible elements such as the friendliness of service or tactile feel of a steering wheel. The following are illustrative examples of

is the value of something to customers. This includes tangible elements such as functionality and intangible elements such as the friendliness of service or tactile feel of a steering wheel. The following are illustrative examples of quality


Products, services and physical environments that are accessible to people with disabilities.

Products, services and physical environments that are accessible to people with disabilities.


The correctness of information or precision of a technology or process.

The correctness of information or precision of a technology or process.


The ability to adjust to conditions and support a wide variety of activities. For example, a vehicle may have configurable seats to support different uses such as transporting large items or additional passengers.

The ability to adjust to conditions and support a wide variety of activities. For example, a vehicle may have configurable seats to support different uses such as transporting large items or additional passengers.


Things that are perceived as

Things that are perceived as appealing to the senses


The general character and atmosphere of a place including factors such as decor, lighting, music and social environment.

The general character and atmosphere of a place including factors such as decor, lighting, music and social environment.


How well a particular idea is put into words. Applies to the quality of information or marketing artifacts such as packaging.

How well a particular idea is put into words. Applies to the quality of information or marketing artifacts such as packaging.


The uptime of a service often defined by its

The uptime of a service often defined by its downtime per year . Can also apply to the distribution of products. In this case, availability is defined by your customer’s ability to buy a particular product through local retailers or ecommerce channels


The maximum amount that something can contain such as the storage limits of a product or service.

The maximum amount that something can contain such as the storage limits of a product or service.


The personality of your business,

The personality of your business, brand or offerings.


Information that is clear and unambiguous.

Information that is clear and unambiguous.


The cleanliness of physical items and places. Particularly important to services with a high throughput of people such as a restaurant, theme park or hotel.

The cleanliness of physical items and places. Particularly important to services with a high throughput of people such as a restaurant, theme park or hotel.


The degree to which different elements belong together. Applies to product and service compatibility or the unified

The degree to which different elements belong together. Applies to product and service compatibility or the unified image of a brand.


Physical comfort or a cognitive sense of calm, familiarity and restfulness.

Physical comfort or a cognitive sense of calm, familiarity and restfulness.


Compliance with laws, regulations and standards.

Compliance with laws, regulations and standards.


An idea that has value to your business such as a

An idea that has value to your business such as a mission vision or principle. Concepts are known to significantly impact perceived quality.


Consistency of a product or service such as a dish at a restaurant that tastes the same every time.

Consistency of a product or service such as a dish at a restaurant that tastes the same every time.


The friendliness of a technology interface. Associated with the idea that technology bends to people and not the other way around.

The friendliness of a technology interface. Associated with the idea that technology bends to people and not the other way around.


A restaurant that embraces cultural elements such as manners, traditions and aesthetics.

A restaurant that embraces cultural elements such as manners, traditions and aesthetics.


The ability to take something apart to fix it or

The ability to take something apart to fix it or reuse it.


The level of detail incorporated into the design or realization of a product or service.

The level of detail incorporated into the design or realization of a product or service.


How a product or service stands out in the market relative to the competition.

How a product or service stands out in the market relative to the competition.


The care and effort that is shown by professionals such as customer service representatives.

The care and effort that is shown by professionals such as customer service representatives.


The degree to which something resists wear and damage.

The degree to which something resists wear and damage.

Ease Of Assembly

Clear instructions and foolproof assembly steps.

Clear instructions and foolproof assembly steps.

Ease Of Use


The usability of products, services and technology interfaces.


Energy and resource efficiency. An important element of

Energy and resource efficiency. An important element of sustainable design


Style and grace in form and function. Applies to high end products in areas such as automobiles, fashion and electronics.

Style and grace in form and function. Applies to high end products in areas such as automobiles, fashion and electronics.


Level of amusement or enjoyment.

Level of amusement or enjoyment.


People commonly see businesses with commendable ethics as having higher quality products and services. In many cases, certifications related to ethics can improve perceived quality.

People commonly see businesses with commendable ethics as having higher quality products and services. In many cases, certifications related to ethics can improve perceived quality.


How easy it is to extend the functionality of something. Applies to areas such as software and automobiles that are commonly customized.

How easy it is to extend the functionality of something. Applies to areas such as software and automobiles that are commonly customized.


Demonstrated fairness is particularly important to the

Demonstrated fairness is particularly important to the quality of customer service . For example, if you serve customers out of order when they are waiting in line, customers may view this as a poor quality practice.

Fault Tolerance

The ability to continue operating when an error is encountered. For example, software that crashes on every error may be viewed as poor quality. Important to the quality of safety critical equipment such as aircraft.

The ability to continue operating when an error is encountered. For example, software that crashes on every error may be viewed as poor quality. Important to the quality of safety critical equipment such as aircraft.


In many cases, a product or service with more features will be viewed as higher quality. In other cases, a product or service that is free of unwanted features is widely viewed as superior.

In many cases, a product or service with more features will be viewed as higher quality. In other cases, a product or service that is free of unwanted features is widely viewed as superior.


Can refer to physical flexibility, a general ability to adapt or a willingness to bend rules such as a restaurant that excepts custom orders.

Can refer to physical flexibility, a general ability to adapt or a willingness to bend rules such as a restaurant that excepts custom orders.


An important element of user interfaces that allows you to flow through activities without being interrupted. For example, an app that is continually prompting the user to upgrade may be viewed as low quality.

An important element of user interfaces that allows you to flow through activities without being interrupted. For example, an app that is continually prompting the user to upgrade may be viewed as low quality.


Satisfies a need such as completing a task or supporting an activity.

Satisfies a need such as completing a task or supporting an activity.


Is good for your health such as food that is free of

Is good for your health such as food that is free of questionable substances.


There is a well known tendency for customers to view products that they can recognize as higher quality than those that they don’t recognize. As such, a strong

There is a well known tendency for customers to view products that they can recognize as higher quality than those that they don’t recognize. As such, a strong visual identity boosts perceived quality.


is a general term for the impression that customers have of your business, brand and products.Image is a general term for the impression that customers have of your business, brand and products.


People crave information and sharing statistics, specifications, stories and other information about your business can improve quality perceptions.

People crave information and sharing statistics, specifications, stories and other information about your business can improve quality perceptions.


The ability to work with other things. For example, a technology that can work seamlessly with a wide range of devices.

The ability to work with other things. For example, a technology that can work seamlessly with a wide range of devices.


The history of something often impacts its perceived quality. For this reason, firms often publicise their year of founding or stories related to their past.

The history of something often impacts its perceived quality. For this reason, firms often publicise their year of founding or stories related to their past.

Low Impact

The use of materials and methods that have

The use of materials and methods that have low environmental impact


Ease and cost of maintaining equipment or products.

Ease and cost of maintaining equipment or products.


The quality of materials is often a significant factor in the overall quality of an item. For example, a gold watch is generally higher quality than a plastic watch.

The quality of materials is often a significant factor in the overall quality of an item. For example, a gold watch is generally higher quality than a plastic watch.

Mistake Proof

Designs that reduce the risk of

Designs that reduce the risk of human error . Important to the quality of safety equipment and business processes.


The story behind something may improve its quality in the eyes of customers.

The story behind something may improve its quality in the eyes of customers.


Cost and ease of operation.

Cost and ease of operation.


In many cases, the quality of a process or service is primarily judged by its outcome. This is particularly common when outcomes are of critical importance as with medical services.

In many cases, the quality of a process or service is primarily judged by its outcome. This is particularly common when outcomes are of critical importance as with medical services.


The quality of services or equipment may be measured in terms of outputs. For example, the quality of a 3D printer may be evaluated by what it can create.

The quality of services or equipment may be measured in terms of outputs. For example, the quality of a 3D printer may be evaluated by what it can create.


The degree to which a product or service pleasantly adapts to each person as an individual. For example, a hotel that remembers that you like extra hard pillows and always has them ready in your room when you arrive.

The degree to which a product or service pleasantly adapts to each person as an individual. For example, a hotel that remembers that you like extra hard pillows and always has them ready in your room when you arrive.


The level of courtesy and respect shown to customers.

The level of courtesy and respect shown to customers.


A business that respects individual privacy and publishes clear policies in this regard. Particularly relevant to industries that handle sensitive information such as healthcare, banking and the legal profession.

A business that respects individual privacy and publishes clear policies in this regard. Particularly relevant to industries that handle sensitive information such as healthcare, banking and the legal profession.


Physical closeness to something desirable such as a house near a good school or a data center near a stock exchange.

Physical closeness to something desirable such as a house near a good school or a data center near a stock exchange.


The ability to engage customers in a friendly way. Particularly relevant to service industry quality.

The ability to engage customers in a friendly way. Particularly relevant to service industry quality.


Recognition such as awards and reviews is critical to perception of quality in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. It also has impact to professional services and other areas where reputation and critical reception are important.

Recognition such as awards and reviews is critical to perception of quality in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. It also has impact to professional services and other areas where reputation and critical reception are important.


Things designed to be recycled in the communities in which they are sold.

Things designed to be recycled in the communities in which they are sold.


The ability for an item, facility or place to independently renew its own energy or resources. For example, a data center that generates much of its own electricity from solar power may be viewed as higher quality than one that’s fully depended on the grid.

The ability for an item, facility or place to independently renew its own energy or resources. For example, a data center that generates much of its own electricity from solar power may be viewed as higher quality than one that’s fully depended on the grid.


The quality of information is often judged by its relevance at the moment that’s available, communicated or used. For example, a quality aircraft weather radar system gives pilots advanced notice of severe turbulence ahead.

The quality of information is often judged by its relevance at the moment that’s available, communicated or used. For example, a quality aircraft weather radar system gives pilots advanced notice of severe turbulence ahead.


Consistently performs as expected.

Consistently performs as expected.


Use of materials and energy that renew via natural processes.

Use of materials and energy that renew via natural processes.


The general opinion held about a business by the public.

The general opinion held about a business by the public.


Products and services designed to be used many times.

Products and services designed to be used many times.


A pattern of activities or sound. For example, service at a restaurant may have a rhythm to it.

A pattern of activities or sound. For example, service at a restaurant may have a rhythm to it.

Risk Managed

How well

How well risks are managed.


Strength and health. Typically refers to technology that tolerates ambiguity and exceptions such as a web form that makes a suggestion when you spell something wrong.

Strength and health. Typically refers to technology that tolerates ambiguity and exceptions such as a web form that makes a suggestion when you spell something wrong.


Physical safety such as an airline with a good safety record.

Physical safety such as an airline with a good safety record.


The ability to handle more volume with

The ability to handle more volume with declining costs


Level of physical and

Level of physical and information security


The number of options available. For example, a supermarket that has hundreds of vegetable choices may be seen as higher quality than one that offers less than a dozen.

The number of options available. For example, a supermarket that has hundreds of vegetable choices may be seen as higher quality than one that offers less than a dozen.


Simplicity is often seen as a desirable quality in user interfaces. It also applies in other areas such as equipment with a simple design that is easy to maintain and customize.

Simplicity is often seen as a desirable quality in user interfaces. It also applies in other areas such as equipment with a simple design that is easy to maintain and customize.


A preference for bigger, smaller or right-sized items, architecture and places.

A preference for bigger, smaller or right-sized items, architecture and places.


Many items are judged by their sound. For example, an air conditioning unit that minimizes noise pollution or a device that doesn’t beep or sing with every action.

Many items are judged by their sound. For example, an air conditioning unit that minimizes noise pollution or a device that doesn’t beep or sing with every action.


In many cases, fast things are considered higher quality. However, slow things such as a well-paced fine meal may occasionally be seen as superior.

In many cases, fast things are considered higher quality. However, slow things such as a well-paced fine meal may occasionally be seen as superior.


The quality of being firmly established and changed conservatively.

The quality of being firmly established and changed conservatively.


Style is a distinctive manner, character and appearance. It is a fundamental basis of

Style is a distinctive manner, character and appearance. It is a fundamental basis of branding and design that has a large impact on perceived quality.


Of importance to food and drink related products and services. Also used to indicate an effective sense of style.

Of importance to food and drink related products and services. Also used to indicate an effective sense of style.


The feel or tactile appearance of a surface. Also used to describe the feeling of food on your tongue.

The feel or tactile appearance of a surface. Also used to describe the feeling of food on your tongue.


The quality of fitting into a time and place. For example, a fashion brand that always captures the popular styles, materials and colors of a season.

The quality of fitting into a time and place. For example, a fashion brand that always captures the popular styles, materials and colors of a season.


Confidently standing out from the crowd with characteristics that are unmatched and singular.

Confidently standing out from the crowd with characteristics that are unmatched and singular.


The diversity of selection. For example, an ecommerce retailer that offers 100 models of kayak each with significant differences in design and features.

The diversity of selection. For example, an ecommerce retailer that offers 100 models of kayak each with significant differences in design and features.

Well Being

Generally giving people a sense of well-being. Often measured as

Generally giving people a sense of well-being. Often measured as quality of life