9 Best VoIP Test Tools: VoIP Speed and Quality Test Tools [2023 LIST]

List of the Top VoIP Speed and Quality Test Tools To Know in 2023:

When we think about the most remarkable invention that has changed the lives of humans, in the 21st century, then undoubtedly the Internet will come to our mind first.

Approximately one-third of the world’s population is now connected to the Internet.

The pace with which people are adopting can be revealed from a study, which explains that it took around thirty years for radio to reach a crowd of fifty million individuals, thirteen years for Television, and just around four years for the Internet.

VoIP Speed Test ToolsVoIP Speed Test Tools

The Internet has drastically changed the way we work to a great extent. Even the smartness of a smartphone is provided by the internet. VOIP is one of the important services provided by the internet.

Let’s understand about VOIP in detail!

What is VoIP?

Voice Over Internet Protocol, which is abbreviated as VOIP, is a technology or methodology to deliver voice communication over the Internet.

Towards the end of the day, your call quality relies upon the quality and speed of your web association. Hence, there are numerous tools available over the internet to check the quality and speed of the network.

Basic Terminologies

Let’s familiarize ourselves with some of the terminologies that are used to analyze the test results:

  • Network Packet: A network packet or data packet is a small unit/block which carries the data over a network.
  • Packet Loss: While transmitting data, due to network congestion some packets might get lost and this is termed as packet loss. The greater the packet loss, the more time will be the time it will take to download the web page.
  • Latency: Time taken by a packet of data to reach from one point to another is referred to as latency. A good network has zero latency.
  • Jitter: The difference between the maximum and minimum latency as a result of a ping test is known as Jitter. The network is considered as good if Jitter is lower than 25 milliseconds.
  • Network: The group of computers that are connected together with a motive to communicate with each other is called a Network.

Differences Between MBps and Mbps

One of the biggest confusion of among people using the internet is the difference between the terms MBps and Mbps.

People using an Internet connection assume that if the speed of their internet connection is 1 Mbps then they will be able to download a file of 1 MB in just a second. This means that 1 MB of data is being downloaded every second.

However, this is not the case. MB represents MegaByte whereas Mb denotes Megabit and 1 Mb = 1/8 MB. Hence, in order to download 1MB data per second, you need to have a download speed of 8 MBps.

Our TOP Recommendations:

Solarwinds LogoSolarwinds LogoVonage LogoVonage Logo8x8 Logo8x8 Logo

• WAN Monitoring
• PRI Trunk Monitoring
• CUBE Trunk Monitoring• VoIP Testing
• Caller ID
• Call Forwarding• Test 100 VoIP Lines
• Codec Decoder
• Call Parking

Price: Starts $963
Trial version: 30 daysPrice: Starts $19.99 monthly
Trial version: NAPrice: Starts at $15 monthly
Trial version: 30 days

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