92 Inspiring Naomi Klein Quotes For A Better World

Naomi Klein is a Canadian filmmaker, social activist, political analyst and writer who have risen to prominence through her books and documentary films. Klein studied at the University of Toronto but quit the program in order to work for ‘The Globe And Mail’. Klein worked as the editor of ‘This Magazine’ as well but she gained international recognition in the year 2000 with her book ‘The Logo’, due to her critical take on activities of large corporations and the hegemony of brands in relation to consumer behaviour. However, she is also a noted documentary filmmaker on similar subjects and some of the most popular among them are ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate’, ‘The Take’ and ‘The Shock Doctrine’. ‘The Take’ is a particularly well regarded documentary for its portrayal of the occupied factories in Argentina. Klein is among the very few people in the world who are considered one of the shining lights in the fight against corporate greed and capitalism. Needless to say, she has also delivered many speeches, gave several interviews and expressed her thoughts vocally on these subjects. We bring to you a compilation of quotes that have been extracted from the vast sea of Naomi Klein’s life and works. Here is a collection of some of Naomi Klein’s best thoughts, sayings and quotes.