AirPods Pro Gen 2 vs Gen 1 Sound Quality. Hear the difference! — Aaron x Loud and Wireless

Sound Quality

In terms of sound, it seems that Gen 2 does sound a little different. Though the overall sound signature of the AirPods Pro hasn’t changed much, in that it still has that clean analytical sound, fantastic track separation and detail retrieval. Yet Gen 2 seems to have higher gain in the bass frequencies right up to the mids. The frequency sweep below shows a 3-5 decibel gain all the way to 1.3khz. Listening to some synthwave and RnB music, it also has a little more sizzle in the treble. So the Gen 2 has a more exciting, heavy sound signature with a bit more crispiness in the highs. Is it a big improvement over Gen 1? Not really but it is definitely closer to what I prefer my sound to be. You can listen to the side by side comparison here.