Alexander Universal Adjustable Height Chair or Settee Raiser with Flat Plates – Independent Living Angus

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This is the Alexander Universal Adjustable Height Chair or Settee Raiser with Flat Plates product page. You can read all about the product here, including a manufacturer’s description, instructional PDF documents and supply or loan options (if available). PDF files will require Adobe Reader (or a similar application) to be installed on your computer to view (click here to install Adobe Reader).

There are different retailers that can supply the product to you, the information for which can be found under the Supply Options title towards the bottom of the page. The retailers are split into local and national services. Clicking on a retailer’s name will take you to a page with all of their information and the option to order the product.

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Alexander Universal Adjustable Height Chair or Settee Raiser with Flat Plates

Alexander Universal Adjustable Height Chair or Settee Raiser with Flat Plates

Where to buy

Morris Alexander Ltd

Morris Alexander Ltd

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DISCLAIMER: Angus Health and Social Care Partnership does not have any affiliation or connection with these suppliers. ADL Smartcare and Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have no responsibility for the content once you leave this site.


The Alexander Universal Adjustable Height Chair/Settee Raiser with Flat Plates can be set to provide a raise of 8.5 – 12.5cm (3.5 – 5in). This product can be set to raise your armchair/settee to a height which will make it easier for you to get up from. When the raiser is fitted make sure it is set so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees. The furniture can be moved with the raiser in place. The raiser consists of 2 separate black steel frames which should be fitted from front to back (rather than side to side) and 4 flat plates that screw into position from underneath the furniture (screws supplied). These plates are particularly useful when raising furniture that has large rounded edged flat wooden legs. It Dimensions: Raise: 8.5 – 12.5cm (3.5 – 5in), frame Width: 43 – 84cm (17 – 33in), Plate W x D: 7.5 x 7.5cm (3 x 3in), Max user weight: 640kg (100St) per pair (including weight of chair).




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