Alexander Weiss

Campus Activities and Organizations in Which You Are Or Have Been Involved: Defender, Intramural Sports, Founders Society

One Interesting Thing About Me: I’ve visited Israel.

My Best Memory From My First Year At SMC: I went snowboarding my first year here. The day was cold and clear -pretty as ever. After spending an incredible, but exhausting day on the slopes, I decided it would be fun to try the park, which I have never done before. I went on a flat rail, but I had to hit the rail from the side in an attempt to miss colliding with a little girl. I missed and fell on my back as a few little girls flew past me and said “at least we are better than that guy”.

One Thing I Wish I Knew Before I Moved In My First Year: Focus and show up to classes. Put school and family first, the rest will fall into place.