An Approach of Software Quality Management

Developing countries would like to attract foreign investment for the many benefits it provides, such as adoption of high technology, increased employment, and expanded exports. Without effective usage of foreign investment inflows, however, foreign investment also brings side effects (e.g., environmental damage). Good foreign investment policy and its effective implementation could increase benefits and decrease side effects of foreign investment in the host country. This research aims to analyse the factors affecting foreign investment policy implementation effectiveness in Mongolia based on foreign investors’ perceptions. The study is important given the practical benefits that the Mongolian government can realise by improving the country’s foreign investment policy. The statistical data for this paper was collected through mail surveys and telephone interviews, while SPSS statistical analysis package was used for data analysis. Four factors that determine foreign investment policy implementation effectiveness are considered in this study. The findings of this study suggest that foreign investment policy would be implemented effectively if either foreign investment policy’s objectives and standards were clearly defined or related agencies’ capacities were improved for implementing foreign investment policy or foreign investors were recieved better quality of public services or foreign investors were ready accept or follow rules and regulations for implementing foreign investment policy. Also, the findings of the current study suggest that the higher quality of public service and foreign investors’ willingness for following rules and regulations of foreign investment policy. Furthermore, the findings of the study revealed that the most important factor for increasing effective implementation is capacity of implementing agency, followed by clarity of policy objectives and standards which also increases foreign investors’ compliance with implementation regulation.