An Introduction To Alexander The Great’s: Life, Facts, Empire & Legacy Of The Young King: What Were Some Of Alexander The Great Greatest Accomplishments? by Ven, Cornell –

Alexander the Great served as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. During his time of leadership, he united Greece, reestablished the Corinthian League and conquered the Persian Empire.

Alexander the Great – A Figure Marked in Greatness

Rather than simply opening this book by staling the facts of how Alexander the Great was bom and his early years, I will do so by driving a more important point; that since his very early years he was being prepared to live a life of greatness. He did not coincidentally become known as “the Great” by chance. Also, popular culture build a narrative around him that is highly consistent with greatness, leadership, might and even wisdom.
Bom in 356 BCE, to king Philip H, and one of his wives, Olympias of Epirus, Alexander the Great inherited the kingdom of Macedonia, which at the part was part of the Hellenistic culture and what we know today as Ancient Greece. Alexander’s only full sibling was his sister Cleopatra, who later also became queen regent of Epirus. He also had other half brothers and sisters from his father’s other wives, although there is no full clarity in the academic world who all of those wives of Philip H and who all the half siblings of Alexander were.

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