Applying total quality management to educational instruction: A case study from a US public university | Emerald Insight

How can education service managers, administrators and teachers
make educational instruction more effective? Can concepts fundamental to
the total quality management (TQM) philosophy be applied to teaching?
Just as managers often buy the most advanced equipment but fail to
integrate it fully into their production process, so many administrators
and educators hear and read about, and are able to identify with, the
TQM philosophy in general, yet they remain wanting of an understanding
of how it can be applied to teaching. Presents a framework for
TQM‐oriented instruction in an attempt to serve this end. Presents the
specific practices that constitute this approach as part of an effort to
facilitate TQM‐driven instructional processes across educational levels
and disciplines, and across nations. Assesses the effectiveness of
TQM‐driven teaching through student feedback from course evaluations and
administers an educational survey. The approach presented can serve as
one benchmark for use in the process of re‐evaluating and realigning
instructional processes to ensure continuous improvement.