Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)

We have previously discussed exporting from Premiere Pro in our article How to export from Premiere Pro. With the number of platforms on the internet for videos and video content. It makes sense that you familiarise yourself with the best export settings for the platform you want to dominate.

Exporting essentially is compression. This compression is to occur while preserving as much of the image detail as you can. By default, Premiere Pro has quality as its priority, while trying to keep export speeds high.

Using Previews should also help you speed up your export process. Premiere Pro has default previews that are optimized for playback, they do not prioritize image quality here. Using Previews when exporting you can give your export a speed boost. This though might affect your image quality so tread lightly.

We have listed below the best export settings for some of the most popular platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Vimeo, and Facebook.

Also Read: How to Add Transitions on Premiere Pro?, How to Import MKV Files on Premiere Pro?

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings for YouTube

Video Export Settings for YouTube

Step 1: Go to the format settings option, and select H.264 as the format, this is the best format to export from Premiere Pro.

Step 2: Choose your preset, a recommended preset for YouTube would be YouTube 1080p Full HD preset templates; you then customize this preset to what you need.

Important Tip: Make sure to tick both the audio and video checkboxes

Step 3: Set your bit-rate and basic video settings, a frame rate we recommend is 23.976 with your height and width set to 1080×1920 respectively.

For ideal Bitrate settings, Set the Bitrate encoding to VBR, 2 Pass and then set the Target bitrate to 15 and Maximum Bitrate to 40.

Important Tip: Check the box option that says “Use Maximum Render Quality.”

Audio Export Settings for YouTube

Click the Export Settings Tab and set the following specifications

  • Basic Audio Settings from Audio Codec to AAC
  • Audio Format AAC
  • Sample Rate to 48000 Hz
  • Audio Quality- High
  • Channels- Stereo
  • Bitrate Settings:
  • Bitrate-320
  • Click Advanced Settings and set Precedence to Bitrate.

Your YouTube Video is now ready to export from Premiere Pro! Click Export and then upload your masterpiece on YouTube. Can’t wait to see you there and hit Subscribe.

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook) Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Premiere Pro YouTube Bitrate Encoding

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings for Instagram

Instagram is now a major platform, slowly moving from images to videos and Reels. To create Reels on Premiere Pro you will require the following set-up:

Frame Rate: 30.00 fps

Frame Size: 1080×1920

Instagram converts your video to 30fps automatically so to save yourself auto compression you might just want to compress it yourself.

Step 1: Set your in and out points on your timeline to prepare for export. You then need to open your Export Settings

Step 2: Set the Format to H.264. High Bitrate as the Match Source

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Instagram Reels Format

An important tip to remember is to render at Maximum Depth and Maximum Render Quality

Step 3: Bitrate Encoding

  • Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2Pass
  • Target Bitrate: 2Mbps
  • Maximum Bitrate: 3Mbps

Save this as your Instagram Reels Preset on Premiere Pro

Make sure to check your thumbnail before you export because this is what you’ll end up with. Once you upload just wait for all those likes and follows!

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings for TikTok

Exporting your TikTok is probably the most important thing when it comes to the creation aspect. You can have everything sorted, but if the export settings are bad then you’ve got nothing going for you. Your TikTok will crash before it even has a chance of reaching other people. Here are the Best Export Settings for your TikTok.

Video Export Settings for TikTok

Step 1: Press Ctrl+M to open up the export settings on Premiere Pro

Step 2: Make sure your format is at the H.264 format

Step 3: Click output name and name your video and select the destination folder for your video

Step 4: Under the Basic Video Settings frame size 1080x 1920

Important Tip: Check the Render at Maximum Depth option

Step 5: Select CBR in the Bitrate Encoding Section under the Bitrate Settings box. For the CBR 15Mb/s is the target Bitrate you want.

Important Tip: Checkbox Use Maximum Render Quality should be selected

Audio Export Settings for Instagram

Under the audio tab on Adobe Premiere Pro make sure the audio format is AAC is the best you can choose

Confirm and check your default settings and move on to rendering

You now have your audio and video export settings perfected. Save this as your TikTok export settings. To make your next exporting session easier. We’re truly excited to see you blow up on social and TikTok now.

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Premiere Pro Export Settings for TikTok

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings for Facebook

Facebook has been around for a long time now. Its audience now engaging with this media platform from their mobile devices. This means that you’ll have to modify your Premiere Pro export settings to now have your video viewed on a phone.

Here are the ideal export settings for you on Adobe Premiere Pro:

  • Select a full high definition Resolution: 1080HD
  • Keep in mind that you need to have your compression and Bitrate below 4GB
  • Use a VBR, 1 pass. You’ll notice this is a slightly different bitrate encoding when compared to YouTube
  • Make sure you have a target bitrate of 15Mb/s
  • Make a sidecar file for your subtitles and captions

Don’t forget to save these settings for future use on Adobe Premiere Pro and get on with your export. We know your video will be viewed worldwide.

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings for Vimeo

Vimeo is a great resource that delivers high-def videos to the world. These videos can be viewed and played on various devices. Premiere Pro is a very popular video editing software to edit videos on this platform.

We’ll now discuss the best export settings to have

  • Open your export settings and select the following options
  • Match Sequence Settings: Unchecked
  • Format: H.264
  • Preset: Custom
  • Output Name: Video output name and destination

Important Tip is to Render at Maximum Depth

Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2 Pass

Audio Settings:

  • Audio Format: AAC
  • Audio Quality: High
  • Channel: Stereo
  • Sample Rate: 48,000 Hz

Actions for Checkboxes:

  • Use Maximum Render Quality: Checked
  • Use Frame Blending: Unchecked
  • Use Previews: Unchecked
  • Import into Projects: Unchecked

Make sure to double-check all your settings and then export. Check your file after export before you upload it.

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Premiere Pro Export Settings for Vimeo

4k Export Settings for Adobe Premiere Pro

4K is one of the highest available video file qualities available. To export files in 4K on Premiere Pro you need to follow these steps

Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Best Premiere Pro Export Settings (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook)Premiere Pro Export Settings 4K

In the export menu:

  • Format: H.264
  • Preset: YouTube 2160p 4K Ultra HD
  • Check Match Sequence
  • Select Use Maximum Render Quality
  • Frame Rate: 60fps
  • Bitrate: 66-85 Mbps
  • Audio Bitrate: 512 kbps

You’re now ready to click Export. Your video will be rendered in 4K quality in a few minutes.

Best Audio Export Settings Premiere Pro

Adobe agrees that visuals aren’t all that matters in a video. Adobe, therefore, recommends the following settings for great audio quality.

  • Audio Format: AAC
  • Audio Codec: AAC
  • Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
  • Channel: Stereo
  • Audio Quality: High
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Precedence: Bitrate

Along with this make sure you have selected the Use Maximum Render Quality option. And go ahead with your export.

Also Read: How to Add Shapes on Premiere Pro?, How to Export Videos from Adobe Premiere Pro?


If your process of exporting content on Premiere Pro is prolonged because your system doesn’t meet the requirements, join our community at Postudio. With Postudio, the required specs and drivers are available on the cloud, and you can start creating.