Burberry Her by Burberry | bestmenscolognes.com

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Burberry Her is a line that Burberry has seemed to want to develop further over the past few years, ever since this one was released in 2018. They’re still coming out with flankers, so, I guess it’s going to continue for quite a while. I’ve tried Her EDP out before, but recently received a sample with an order from Macy’s…so, it’s time to do a full review. How does it smell? How long does it last? Is Burberry Her worth a try?


What does Burberry Her EDP Smell Like?

Notes include: strawberry, citrus, raspberry, cherry, blueberry, wood, musk, amber, jasmine

Click here to try: Burberry Her Eau De Parfum Spray

My Full Review

Let’s see how Burberry describes Her EDP: Effortlessly stylish, energetic, optimistic, adventurous and bold – the spirit of Her, captured in London – a beautiful, bustling, creative metropolis, eclectic and full of life.

Burberry Her opens up with its berry and citrus notes out in full force. I get a sparkling quality from the raspberry, a slight sharpness from the citrus, and a hefty dose of strawberry. On my skin, the strawberry definitely takes the lead early, and never lets it go entirely.

Since this one was designed by Francis Kurkdjian and has plenty of overlap with his famous Baccarat Rouge 540, it often gets compared. This one is much fruitier, has more of a spring/summer vibe, and is missing much of the depth.

Underneath the strawberry, I do get a hint of cherry and the other berry notes really just feel like a generic fruit note. It is sweet somewhat, but not overly so, it’s more bright/sharp/sour…pick your adjective.

One thing that I’ve noticed, is how weak the floral notes are in this mix. The jasmine does poke through later on, but it never grabs much attention. It’s there, just not doing very much. Perhaps, that’s just on my skin.

Later, it becomes muskier, woody, and resembles Cloud by Ariana Grande. Both have that general fruity sweetness, musk, and woods. Cloud is creamier.

That’s pretty much the development of Burberry Her. Bold berry and citrus start. Strawberry with a bit of jasmine. Then, sweet with musk and woods.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

The sillage here is pretty strong at first. Not monstrous, but I was impressed with its ability to project. On a t-shirt, I could smell it from up to about 7 feet away. That was at its peak, once Burberry Her settles, it is more in the 3-4 foot range.

Later, it’s even more intimate. Really, gets soft and very pleasant.

The performance isn’t lacking. This will stick around on my skin for 8 hours of wear. On fabric, it keeps going well past that. So, if you’re into the scent, you definitely get your money’s worth.

Seasonally, I like this best in the warmer weather. I’d keep it mostly to the spring or summertime (when not super hot out). The fruity notes really dominate and it would stick out in winter weather, but it should also be fine in the autumn coolness.

Burberry Her has a youthful vibe to its aroma. It would work for teenagers, but adults can wear this easily, if you’re into the fruity perfumes. It’s pretty crowd pleasing and simple, not at all a formal wear, nor is it cheap and tacky.

Mostly, a daytime casual wear or one that you could go lightly with in the office.

Overall Impressions of Burberry Her

Overall, do I like Burberry Her? I do. I’m not in love with it, though. The Intense version is actually better, in my mind. It just gets overshadowed because of the BR540 comparisons with Her EDP.

The red berry and citrus opening is really great for a while. But, each time I’ve tried to wear this one, it begins to grate on my nerves a bit. It’s not one that I’d need to scrub off or anything, just the intense strawberry and sharp/sour citrus gets somewhat old after a while.

Though, when I do stick with it, I end up liking the dry down of this more. It’s closer to Ariana Grande’s Cloud than it is Baccarat Rouge. Still, Burberry Her is distinct enough from both of them.

The floral notes are light on me. I mostly get the cleanliness of musk and wood in the dry down with the strawberry and the mass of whatever is left of the other fruits.

Is this worth a try? Yeah, it’s one to check out. I don’t know that I’d blind buy it, as you might not like the way the berries sit on your skin. It’s not the best perfume out there, but it’s solid and can be a nice choice for the right person.

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Burberry Her EDP

Burberry Her EDPBurberry Her EDP












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Best Men’s Colognes started back in 2013, as a way to share my learning experiences with different fragrances, as I dove head first into the hobby. Since then, I have written hundreds of reviews and other pages about perfumes and colognes.