Casting Call Club : Asuna and Klein Needed! Sword Art Online Scene Fandub

Hey everyone! I’m going to be dubbing a scene from Sword Art Online, specifically the scene where Kirito resorts to his Starburst Stream Skill to defeat the Gleam Eyes Boss. Here’s a Link to the Scene! I already self-cast myself as Kirito, because I wanted to test out my screaming ability,  but that leave Klein and Asuna left to Audition for! Though please note, they only get a few lines and are only supporting characters in this scene. 

Auditioning Guidelines

1.  Please have a clear Microphone! 

It doesn’t have to be god-quality, but make sure it picks up your voice clearly and has little to no background noise!

2. Give it your All!

This scene is an intense battle! Try to be loud and emotive to help sell the effect of the scene!

3. Be on time!

If you are cast, please try and submit your lines on time!