Chanel Rouge Allure Ink Amoureux — a thoughtful take on beauty and style

I had an intensive makeup clear-out last weekend and it felt great to get rid of products that were old, expired or not my style anymore. Some were used up products that I had saved for an empties video (watch it here) and others were old AF and needed to hit the garbage bin. I was left with a gap that I rushed to fill… and what better thing to fill the gap with than with a new lip product?

Every brand is jumping on the bandwagon and creating matte liquid lipsticks for us to indulge in. CHANEL is the latest brand to join the trend with the recently released Rouge Allure Ink formula. I had just finished up one of my go-to everyday nude lipsticks, Chanel Boy, so I felt compelled to replace it with an everyday nude lipstick shade from the new Rouge Allure Ink formula. I settled on #140, Amoureux.