Chanel WOC- is it worth it?

I have two wocs and two mini rectangle bags. I like the woc. Like everyone says, it’s easy to use and I feel it’s more carefree and less bulky than the mini rectangular bag, especially when I need to go out and about. Also both my wocs are caviar and my mini rectangle bags are lambskin which makes a huge difference..

I feel that the woc carries everything I need.. I only carry a flat card case, key fob, and my phone. I put my phone in my jacket or pants pocket if I can.. sometimes I carry another bag like a tote to carry hand sanitizer, water, and kids stuff (or put all these in my kids backpack lol).

I also like how the woc can be used as a clutch to nice dinners (tuck in the chain strap) and also you can put it in your tote/bag easily too (so easy to travel with).

One of my woc (15) is the old button clasp and the newer one (20k) is the magnetic clasp. Man.. the magnetic clasp is amazing!

However buy what you want. I think you’ll eventually end up buying the other bag style anyways too lol. Chanel is a true addiction.