Change Serum

I was one of the first to pre-order this serum. For background, I have had oily, acne prone skin since I was 14. I am now 55. I deal more with congested skin than with active pimples at this point. I had tried the Salic formula, but although effective on a superficial level, it left an oily residue that just didn’t feel good on my skin. To all my oily skinned friends, this Change serum works soooo much better for me! It is much stronger than the Salic formula, so if you have sensitive skin, be careful! I used to get Mini peels at a spa before Covid. This is the first serum that has even come close to giving me a nice, gentle peel if used a couple of nights a week. Brightens your skin, helps clear out blackheads and is more like a professional grade product. Again, for something you can purchase outside of an esthetician’s office, this is pretty strong. I find I can alternate nights with the Change Serum and the Night (retinol) serum. Doesn’t make me oilier and doesn’t make my skin dry, just the right balance. Quality formulations for acne or anti-aging benefits. Thanks to Johan who always answers my questions and gives good recommendations promptly.