Checklist : Plastering

This checklist provides list of things to do before, during and after plastering work so that best quality plaster work can be achieved without delays and wastage.

SrCheck ItemDone1Before : Check Drg./Number/Date and Revision for all other service like electrical, plumbing etc.2Before : Safety access platform.3Before : Check for hacking/Button marking/ Mortar thickness.4Before : Provision of chicken mesh for conduits, column brick work joints and other.5Before : Preparation of Surface – Remove moss / efflorescence and Dampen Surface6Before : Material stacked – Cement, Sand at various locations.7Before : Prewetting of surface.8Before : Quality of Sand – Screening Silt.9Before : Check the Beam/ BW Joints packing with Nito Bond AR10Before : Check for Door Frame Projections.11During : Platform for morter mixing on tray.12During : Check for thickness/level and line and right angle.13During : Proportion of mix.14During : Addition of water proofing compound.15During : Proper roughing of first coat.16During : Check for collection of mortar spills.17During : Cleaning of dead mortar.18During : Check for waviness.19During : Check for grooves / drip moulds.20During : Application of cement slurry on concrete surface / Space for tile area, cutting for skirting area.21During : Check for loft thickness and top surface in dead level W/Robe size.22After : Curing water distribution for various locations.23After : Check for hollowness.24After : Check for cracks.25After : Check for plastering date for curing.