Child Care Health Consultants – Pima County

A Healthy Environment for Children

Child Care ConsultantsChild Care Health Consultants (CCHC) are specially trained health professionals who work directly with child care providers in child care centers and homes. CCHCs utilize

CCHCs provide:

  • Consultation on-site, by telephone, or through email
  • Education and resources
  • Health and safety assessment

Specific topics that a CCHC can assist with include:

  • Safety and injury prevention
  • Nutrition and physical activity
  • Policies and procedures that reduce the spread of illness
  • Caring for children with special health care needs
  • Immunizations
  • Child abuse and neglect

Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC) are specially trained health professionals who work directly with child care providers in child care centers and homes. CCHCs utilize best practice standards to help providers improve the health and well-being of children in their care. CCHCs are part of the First Things First statewide initiative to improve the quality of child care through the Quality First program.

Who is eligible for CCHC services?

Any licensed child care provider enrolled in Quality First may request CCHC services.

Quality First – a program of First Things First – partners with child care and preschool providers to improve the quality of early learning for kids birth-5.

Resources for child care providers

Standards and best practices in child care

Health and safety policies

Infectious disease and immunization