Cut Quality Control Headaches and Improve Product Quality with Centric Final Inspection Module

How Final Inspection Cuts Quality Control Headaches Without Cutting Corners

Ever been through the Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) inspection process on the factory floor? It’s hot, noisy and busy. You’ve got a clipboard with a bunch of notes and a report template printed from a PDF. Some of the information might already be out of date. Some of the inspection points aren’t relevant to the product in question, but you had better fill in the whole report anyway.

You eventually get the opportunity to scan in your report, type up notes and send it off to the quality manager, who might be on the other side of the world…and that process has to be repeated for every product inspected.

There has to be a better way…right? Here’s how the Centric PLM Final Inspection module and mobile app blasts through the biggest barriers in quality control.