Eternity Aqua for Men Calvin Klein cologne – a fragrance for men 2010

Hey all!

I have been into fragrance since the age of 11; I am now 29 and my taste along with my nose has evolved over the years. We all remember wearing various cK frags along with those of Tommy Hilfiger and Hugo Boss as teens. Now, I am in no way an expert, but merely an enthusiast. And if I have learned one thing over the years it is that – it doesn’t matter who’s name is on the bottle, but only what actually smells nice to each individual. A few years ago I thought that I had “outgrown” certain designers and their frags, but that is just closed minded and not fair. It’s not fair to the designer nor to yourself and your nose, lol. I have come to appreciate straight forward fragrances like this one. Eternity Aqua. What could be more self explanitory than that? You know what you are getting yourself into right away, and I like that. CK did not hide this fragrnace behind a “color” name that is in many cases misleading (i.e. Polo Blue & Bleu de Chanel – neither of which are aquatics btw, sorry plap17), but let you know upfront. If you are not interested in an aquatic and find them boring or run-of-the-mill then don’t test this. Why waste your time?

Anyway, now that I got that out of the way, I find this fragrance to be very nice. It’s longevity is around 8-12 hours on me and projects quite nicely. If someone were to give you a hug 10 hours after application, she/he would definitely take notice and compliment 😀

Now, as the name reads, this IS an aquatic & there are VERY many aquatics out there. However, this one is – IMO, very well done. It is clean, fresh and natural. Very nice and appropriate for anyone and anytime. Most would say that this is a summer scent, but what is wrong with smelling clean, fresh and natural all year round? I personally like to wear an aquatic occasionally in the winter to remind me of summer and the salty sea air. Ok, I’ve rambled on long enough. This is an excellent aquatic. That’s what it is and that’s what it should be properly & appropriately compared to.

Thanks all,