External Quality Assessment

5-hydroxyindoleacetic Acid

5-hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5HIAA) (2525): 5-HIAA

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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ABO and Rh grouping

ABO and Rh grouping (4420): ABO & Rh reactivity and interpretation

Clinical haematology

Blood transfusion serology

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Acid-base status and electrolytes

Acid-base status and electrolytes (2610): Chloride, creatinine, glucose, ionized calcium, ionized, magnesium, lactate, pCO2, pH, pO2, potassium, sodium, urea, Base excess, H2CO3.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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ACTH and Cortisol

ACTH and Cortisol (2704): Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and Cortisol

Clinical chemistry


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Albumin and creatinine in urine

Albumin and creatinine in urine (3240): Albumin, creatinine, albumin-creatinine ratio.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Alcohol determinations

Alcohol in blood: Ethanol+Methanol +Isopropanol in whole blood (2510): Ethanol, methanol, isopropanol.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Alcohol determinations

Alcohol in serum: Ethanol+Methanol +Isopropanol in serum (2511): Ethanol, Methanol, Isopropanol.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Alcohol determinations

Alcohol in blood: Ethylene glycol in whole blood (2516): Ethylene glycol

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Alcohol determinations

Alcohol in blood: Ethylene glycol in serum (2517): Ethylene glycol

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Allergen component (UKNEQAS)

Allergen component (UK NEQAS) (2675): Allergen component test which covers recombinant allergens

Clinical chemistry


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Allergy in vitro diagnostics (SKML)

Allergy in vitro diagnostics [SKML] (2681): Total IgE and specific IgEs

Clinical chemistry


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Allergy in vitro diagnostics (UKNEQAS) and ECP

Allergy in vitro diagnostics [UKNEQAS] (2670): Total IgE and specific IgEs

Clinical chemistry


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Allergy in vitro diagnostics (UKNEQAS) and ECP

Eosinophil cationic proteiin (2680): ECP

Clinical chemistry


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Ammonium ion

Ammonium ion (2105): Ammonium ion

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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ANCA and GbmAb

ANCA and GbmAb (5935): Anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic Ab, Myeloperoxidase Ab, Proteinase-3 Ab and Glomerular basement membrane Ab, IgA, pre- and/or post-analytical indicators.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Angiotensin convertase (ACE)

Angiotensin convertase (ACE) (2210): ACE

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Antibody screening and compatibility testing

Antibody screening and compatibility testing (4460): Reaction strengths and interpretation

Clinical haematology

Blood transfusion serology

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Antiglobulin test, direct

Antiglobulin test, direct (4440): Reaction strengths and interpretation

Clinical haematology

Blood transfusion serology

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Antinuclear antibodies

Antinuclear antibodies (5900): ANA, ENAAb, RNPAb, SmAb ( SmDAb and/or SmBAb), SSAAb, SSBAb, Scl70Ab, CENP-B, CENP-A, Jo1Ab, DNAnAb (dsDNA), HistAb, RibP Ab, RNApol III Ab. Pre- and/or post-analytical cases in part of the rounds.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Antistreptolysin (5840): Qualitative and quantitative ASO.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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APTT, INR and fibrinogen

Activated partial thromboplastin time, INR and fibrinogen (4330): Coagulation time in seconds, fibrinogen, INR

Clinical haematology


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Autoimmune diagnostics, IFA interpretation

Autoimmune diagnostics, IFA interpretation (5938): Interpretation

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Autoimmune liver disease and gastric parietal cell antibodies

Autoimmune liver disease and gastric parietal cell antibodies (5930): Liver kidney microsomal antibodies, Smooth muscle antibodies, Mitochondrial antibodies, Gastric parietal cell antibodies.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Bacteriological staining, direct

Bacteriological staining, direct (5050): Interpretation of digital images taken from direct bacteriological staining of clinical samples.

Clinical microbiology


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Basic blood count

Basic blood count, 1-level sample (4100): Hb, HCT, MCH, MCHC, MCV, PLT, RBC, RDW (red cell distribution width), WBC, cumulative patient means of MCH, MCHC, MCV.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Basic blood count

Basic blood count, 2-level samples (4110): Hb, HCT, MCH, MCHC, MCV, PLT, RBC, RDW (red cell distribution width), WBC, cumulative patient means of MCH, MCHC, MCV.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Basic chemistry, POC

Basic chemistry, POCT analyzers (2100): Alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, amylase (total and pancreatic), aspartate aminotransferase, calcium, chloride, HDL cholesterol, cholesterol, creatinekinase, creatinine, gamma glutamyltransferase, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, magnesium, phosphorus, potassim, sodium, total protein, triglycerides, urea, uric acid.

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Bile acids

Bile acids (2520): Bile acids

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Bilirubin, conjugated

Bilirubin, conjugated (2109): Total bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Bilirubin, neonatal

Bilirubin, neonatal (2040): Bil, neo.

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Blood culture

Blood culture (5100): Culture, identification, antimicrobial susceptibility.

Clinical microbiology


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Blood culture

Blood culture, screening (5101): Culture, preliminary identification using Gram staining. The scheme is also suitable for stem cell banks screening only for possible growth.

Clinical microbiology


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Blood grouping, gel cards

Column agglutination methods: grading of reactions and patient cases (4480): Interpretation of cases.

Clinical haematology

Blood transfusion serology

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Bordetella pertussis, antibodies

Bordetella pertussis, antibodies (5950): B. pertussis IgA, IgG & IgM antibodies, Pertussis toxin IgA, IgG & IgM and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Borrelia burgdorferi, antibodies

Borrelia burgdorferi, antibodies (5960): B. burgdorferi IgG, IgM and total antibodies, clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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C-reactive protein (CRP) for analyzers

C-reactive protein (CRP) for analyzers (2020): CRP

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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C-reactive protein (CRP), POCT

C-reactive protein (CRP), POCT (2132): CRP

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Cerebrospinal fluid, bacterial culture

Cerebrospinal fluid, bacterial culture (5150): Culture and identification. The scheme is also suitable for laboratories performing screening and reporting merely a preliminary identification.

Clinical microbiology


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Chemokine CXCL13

Chemokine CXCL13 (5965): Chemokine CXCL13 detection

Clinical microbiology


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Chlamydia pneumoniae, antibodies

Chlamydia pneumoniae, antibodies (5620): C. pneumoniae IgA, IgG, IgM antibodies, clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid detection

Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid detection (5612): Detection of C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid.

Clinical microbiology


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Clinical cytology – Gynaecological cytology (liquid based), virtual microscopy

Gynaecological cytology (liquid based), virtual microscopy (6701): Observations and diagnoses.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, diagnostics

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Clinical cytology – Gynaecological cytology (smear), virtual microscopy

Gynaecological cytology (smear), virtual microscopy (6700): Observations and diagnoses.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, diagnostics

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Clinical cytology – Non-gynaecological cytology, virtual microscopy

Non-gynaecological cytology, virtual microscopy (6702): Observations and diagnoses.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, diagnostics

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Clostridium difficile

Clostridium difficile (5200): This scheme includes C. difficile culture, antigen detection (GDH), toxin detection and direct nucleic acid detection. Hypervirulent C. difficile strains also included.

Clinical microbiology


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Clostridium difficile

Clostridium difficile, nucleic acid detection (5201):

Clinical microbiology


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CMV and EBV, nucleic acid detection, quantitative

CMV and EBV, nucleic acid detection, quantitative (5651): CMV ja EBV NAT

Clinical microbiology


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Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease, antibodies (5940): Endomysium antibodies, tissue transglutaminase antibodies, deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies, interpretation of the Total IgA concentration of the sample. Pre- and/or post-analytical cases in part of the rounds.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Cystatin C (DEKS)

Cystatin C [DEKS] (8805): P-Cystatin C

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Cytomegalovirus, antibodies

Cytomegalovirus, antibodies (5650): Cytomegalovirus IgG, IgM and total antibodies, IgG avidity and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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D-dimer (4388): D-Dimer

Clinical haematology


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Decialotransferrin (EQUALIS)

Decialotransferrin [EQUALIS] (2140): CDT

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Dengue virus, antibodies and antigen detection

Dengue virus, antibodies and antigen detection (5635): Dengue virus IgG and IgM antibodies, Dengue virus antigen (NS1) and post-analytical clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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DNA analysis (EQUALIS)

DNA analysis [EQUALIS] (3865): DNA-Apolipoprotein E genotype, DNA-Factor 2 (F2) g.20210G>A, DNA-Factor 5 (F5) c.1691G>A, DNA-Hemochromatosis (HFE) c.187C>G; c.845G>A, DNA-Lactase gene (LCT) g.13910C>T, DNA-Methylene tetrahydropholate reductase (MTHFR) c.677C>T; c.1298A>C.

Clinical genetics


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Drug abuse screening urine

Drug abuse screening in urine (3300): alpha PVP, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzo-diazepines, buprenorphine, cannabinoids, carbamazepine, cocaine metabolites, codeine, gammahydroxybutyrate, LSD, MDMA+MDA (Ecstasy), MDPV, metaqualone, methadone metabolites, morphine, opiates, oxycodone, paracetamol, phencyclidine, phentanyle, propoxyphene, salicylate, tramadol, tricyclic, antidepressants.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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EBV mononucleosis

EBV mononucleosis, specific antibodies (5641): EBV-VCA-AbG, EBV-VCA-AbM, EBV-EBNA-AbG, EBV IgG Avidity, clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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EBV mononucleosis, POCT

EBV mononucleosis, POCT (5640): MonAb, POCT.

Clinical microbiology


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ECG interpretation

ECG interpretation (7130): Technical quality and findings, clinical interpretation

Clinical physiology


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ELISA readers

ELISA reader photometry control [DEKS] (8814): Control for the absorbance scale in ELISA reader.

Laboratory instruments


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Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (2730): ESR

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: Alifax; Greiner tube (2731): ESR

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: Alifax; Sarstedt tube (2732): ESR

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Faecal bacterial pathogens multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Faecal bacterial pathogens multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5191): Direct nucleic acid detection. Pathogens included are Aeromonas, Campylobacter, E. coli EHEC (stx1/stx2), E. coli EAEC, E. coli EIEC, E. coli EPEC, E. coli ETEC, Plesiomonas, Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia.

Clinical microbiology


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Faecal calprotectin

Faecal calprotectin (2751): Calprotectin

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Faecal culture

Faecal culture (5190): Culture and direct nucleic acid detection. Pathogens included are Aeromonas, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia.

Clinical microbiology


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Faecal Elastase

Faecal Elastase (2754): Elastase

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Faecal occult blood

Faecal occult blood, qualitative (2750): Detection of haemoglobin

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Faecal occult blood, quantitative

Faecal occult blood, quantitative (2749): Quantitative determination of Hb in human faeces (iFOB/FIT)

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Faecal parasites multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Faecal parasites multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5472): Nucleic acid detection of Cryptosporidium, Dientamoeba fragilis, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia. nucleic acid.

Clinical microbiology


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Flagger program (Noklus)

Flagger program (Noklus) (3501): –

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Francisella tularensis, antibodies

Francisella tularensis, antibodies (5851): Francisella tularensis, antibodies

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Fungal culture

Fungal culture (5260): Culture and identification. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of yeast strains.

Clinical microbiology


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Fungal infections, nucleic acid detection

Fungal infections, nucleic acid detection (5261): The samples may include yeasts, dermatophytes and moulds. Examinations: Nucleic acid detection according to laboratory’s own test selection.

Clinical microbiology


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Gastric Biomarkers

Gastric Biomarkers (2753): Pepsinogen I, Pepsinogen II, Gastrin-17, Helicobacter pylori Ab

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Gastrointestinal viral multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Gastrointestinal viral multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5304): Nucleic acid detection of Norovirus, Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus, Sapovirus

Clinical microbiology

Multiplex methods

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General Bacteriology

General Bacteriology 1, aerobes and anaerobes (5080): Isolation of pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, pre- and/or post-analytical indicators.

Clinical microbiology


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General Bacteriology

General Bacteriology 2, aerobes (5081): Isolation of pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, pre- and/or post-analytical indicators.

Clinical microbiology


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General chemistry, Daytrol

DayTrol, human serum (1031): Alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin total, calcium, chloride, cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, creatine phosphokinase, creatinine, gammaglutamyltransferase, glucose, iron, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lithium, magnesium, osmolality, phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, thyreotropin, thyroxine, thyroxine free, transferrin, transferrin receptor, triglycerides, urea, uric acid.

Clinical chemistry

General chemistry, long term

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General chemistry, Humtrol

HumTrol (1051): Albumin, AmylP, Amylase, Calcium, Cholesterol, Cholesterol, high density liporoteins, Cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, Complement C3, Complement C4, Copper, Cortisol, Creatinine, Ferritin, Glucose, Haptoglobin, IgA, Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin M, Iron, Magnesium, Osmol, Protein,Selenium, Transferrin, Transferrin receptor, soluble, Triglycerides, Zinc

Clinical chemistry

General chemistry, long term

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General chemistry, Serum

Serum A (1072): Alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-glykoprotein, amylase, amylase (pancreatic), aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, calcium, calcium (ionized, actual), calcium (ionized, pH 7.4), chloride, cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, cholesterol LDL, cortisol, creatine phosphokinase, creatinine, ferritin, gamma-glutamyltransferase, glucose, haptoglobin, IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, iron, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lithium, magnesium, oroso-mucoid, osmolality, phosphorus, potassium, protein, selenium, sodium, thyreotropin, thyroxine, thyroxine free, TIBC, transferrin, transferrin receptor, triglycerides, urea, uric acid

Clinical chemistry

General chemistry, short term

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General chemistry, Serum

Serum A, limited selecton of analytes (1072S): Alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-glykoprotein, amylase, amylase (pancreatic), aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, calcium, calcium (ionized, actual), calcium (ionized, pH 7.4), chloride, cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, cholesterol LDL, cortisol, creatine phosphokinase, creatinine, ferritin, gamma-glutamyltransferase, glucose, haptoglobin, IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, iron, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lithium, magnesium, oroso-mucoid, osmolality, phosphorus, potassium, protein, selenium, sodium, thyreotropin, thyroxine, thyroxine free, TIBC, transferrin, transferrin receptor, triglycerides, urea, uric acid

Clinical chemistry

General chemistry, short term

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General chemistry, serum B and C

Serum B and C (2-level) (2050): Alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alfa-1-antitrypcine, alfa-1-glycoprotein, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, pancreas amylase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, ferritin, phosphate, glucose, glutamyltransferase, haptoglobin, IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM, potassium, calcium, ionized calcium, ionized calcium pH corrected (7.4), chloride, cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, cortisol, creatine kinase, creatinine, copper, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lipase, lithium, magnesium, sodium, osmolality, protein, iron binding capacity, iron, selenium, zinc, transferrin, transferrin receptor, triglycerides, tri-iodio-thyronine, thyrotropin, tyroxine, free tyroxine, urea, uric acid.

Clinical chemistry

General chemistry, short term

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Glucose meters, POCT

Glucose meters 1: all except Contour, HemoCue and On Call Plus (2570): Glucose

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Glucose meters, POCT

Glucose meters 2: HemoCue (2580): Glucose

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Glucose meters, POCT

Glucose meters 3: Contour (2590): Glucose

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Gram stain, blood culture

Gram stain, blood culture (5041): Staining and microscopy.

Clinical microbiology


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Gram stain, colonies

Gram stain, colonies (5040): Staining and microscopy.

Clinical microbiology


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Haemoglobin 3-level

Haemoglobin, 3-level samples, POCT (2112): Haemoglobin linearity with three samples

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Haemoglobin 3-level

Haemoglobin, 3-level samples, cell counters and analyzers (2113): Haemoglobin linearity with three samples. Reference values will be provided in the summary report.

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Haemoglobin A1c

Haemoglobin A1c, fresh liquid samples (1260): Hemoglobin A1c,Hemoglobin A1c (%)

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Haemoglobin A1c

Haemoglobin A1c, liquid samples (not suitable for Afinion instrument) (1261): HbA1c

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Haemoglobin A1c

Haemoglobin A1c, fresh liquid samples, POCT (1262): Hemoglobin A1c,Hemoglobin A1c (%)

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Haemoglobin A1c

Haemoglobin A1c, liquid samples, POCT (1263): HbA1c

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Haemoglobin, POC

Haemoglobin, 1-level POC analyzers (2114): Haemoglobin

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Haemoglobin, POC

Haemoglobin, 1-level HemoCue 801 and HemoCue 301 (2115): Haemoglobin

Clinical chemistry

Basic chemistry

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Haemoxymeters (2150): FO2Hb, FCOHb, FMETHb, ctHb, sO2.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Helicobacter pylori, antibodies

Helicobacter pylori, antibodies (5860): H. pylori IgA, IgG and total antibodies, quantitative and qualitative tests, clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Helicobacter pylori, antigen detection in faeces

Helicobacter pylori, antigen detection in faeces (5596): Antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis A antibodies

Hepatitis A, antibodies (5092): HAVAb, HAVAbM, HAVAbG and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis B and C serology

Hepatitis B and C, serology, specimen volume 0.6 mL (5094): HBcAb, HBcAbM, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBsAb (qual), HBsAg, HCVAb, HCVAbCt and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis B and C serology

Hepatitis B and C, serology, specimen volume 1.2 mL (5095): HBcAb, HBcAbM, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBsAb (qual), HBsAg, HCVAb, HCVAbCt and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis B and C serology

Hepatitis B and C serology, specimen volume 2.0 mL (5096): HBcAb, HBcAbM, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBsAb (qual), HBsAg, HCVAb, HCVAbCt and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis B virus, nucleic acid detection (DNA)

Hepatitis B virus, nucleic acid dection (DNA) (5679): HBV DNA, quantitative and/or qualitative nucleic acid detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis B, s-antigen antibodies

Hepatitis B, s-antigen antibodies, quantitative (5093): HBsAb (anti-HBs), quantitative.

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis C virus, nucleic acid detection (RNA)

Hepatitis C virus, nucleic acid dection (RNA) (5678): –

Clinical microbiology


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Hepatitis E, antibodies

Hepatitis E, antibodies (5682): Hepatitis E virus IgG and IgM antibodies and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Herpes simplex 1 and 2, antibodies

Herpes simplex 1 and 2, antibodies (5555): HSV IgG (qualitative/quantitative), HSV IgM, HSV-1 IgG, HSV- 2 IgG.

Clinical microbiology


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HIL-index [DEKS]

HIL-index [DEKS] (8817): Selected components are asked to be analysed. The other sample is haemolysed, icteric or lipemic.

Pre- and post-analytics


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Histological staining techniques

Histological staining techniques (6543): taining of the slides. A set of stained slides is returned to Labquality for evaluation by an expert board.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, technology

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Histopathology, virtual microscopy (6542): Observations and diagnoses.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, diagnostics

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HIV, nucleic acid detection (RNA)

HIV, nucleic acid dection (RNA) (5680): HIV RNA, quantitative and/or qualitative nucleic acid detection.

Clinical microbiology


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HIV, antibodies and antigen detection

HIV, vasta-aineet ja antigeenin osoitus, yhdistelmätutkimukset (5091): HIVAgAb (combo), HIVAb, HIVAbCt: primary and confirmatory tests, clinical interpretation. Positive specimens may include HIV-1 or HIV-2.

Clinical microbiology


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HIV, antibodies and antigen detection, POCT

HIV, antibodies and antigen detection, POCT (5090): HIVAb and HIVAgAb primary tests (POCT).

Clinical microbiology


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Homocystein (DEKS)

Homocystein [DEKS] (8816):

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Hormones A

Hormones A: Basic analytes of hormone and immunochemistry (2300): Ferritin,folate,hCG (total, intact),T3, free T3, T4, free T4, TSH, vitamin B12, active vitamin B-12, act. B-12 vit., pre- and/or post-analytical indicators.

Clinical chemistry


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Hormones A

Hormones A, limited selecton of analytes (2300S): Ferritin,Folate,Holotranscobalamin,T3,T3 free,TSH,Thyroxine,Thyroxine, free,Vitamin B12, act. B-12 vitamin, hCG intact,hCG total

Clinical chemistry


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Hormones B

Hormones B: Steroids and peptide hormones (2301): Androstenedione, aldosterone, C-peptide, cortisol, DHEAS, estradiol, FSH, gastrin, growth hormone, IGF-1, insulin, LH, progesterone, 17-OH-progesterone, prolactin, SHBG, testosterone, free testosterone, TBG, pre- and/or post-analytical indicators

Clinical chemistry


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Hormones B

Hormones B, limited selecton of analytes (2301S): Androstenedione, aldosterone, C-peptide, cortisol, DHEAS, estradiol, FSH, gastrin, growth hormone, IGF-1, insulin, LH, progesterone, 17-OH-progesterone, prolactin, SHBG, testosterone, free testosterone, TBG, pre- and/or post-analytical indicators

Clinical chemistry


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HSV1&2/VZV/T. pallidum, nucleic acid detection

HSV1&2/VZV/T. pallidum, nucleic acid detection (5556): Nucleic acid detection of HSV1, HSV2, VZV, Treponema pallidum

Clinical microbiology


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HTLV, antibodies

Human T-cell leukemia virus, antibodies (5089): HTLVAb: primary and confirmatory tests. Positive samples may include HTLV-1 or HTLV-2.

Clinical microbiology


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Human papillomavirus, nucleic acid detection

Human papillomavirus,nucleic acid detection (5086): High-risk human papillomavirus NAT, hrHPVNAT

Clinical microbiology


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Hypothyreosis, newborn

Hypothyreosis, newborn (2460): T3 free,TSH,Thyroxine,Thyroxine, free

Clinical chemistry


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Immunohistochemical staining methods

Immunohistochemical staining methods (6600): Staining of the slides. A set of stained slides is returned to Labquality for evaluation by an expert board.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, technology

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Immunohistochemical staining methods

Immunohistochemical staining methods, limited selection of antibodies (6600S): taining of the slides. A set of stained slides is returned to Labquality for evaluation by an expert board.

Clinical pathology

Pathology, technology

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Influenza virus A+B and RS virus, nucleic acid detection

Influenza virus A+B and RS virus, nucleic acid detection (5670): InfANAT, InfBNAT, RSVNAT.

Clinical microbiology


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Influenza virus A+B, antigen detection

Influenza virus A+B, antigen detection (5671): InfAAg, InfABAg, InfBAg.

Clinical microbiology


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Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (5250): TbINFg quantitative result and qualitative interpretation

Clinical microbiology


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Interleukin-6 (IL-6)

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) (2281): IL-6

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate)

Ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate) (2526): 2 SERUM samples, 0.4 mL each

Clinical chemistry

Diabetes analysis

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Legionella, antigen detection in urine

Legionella, antigen detection in urine (5597): Legionella antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Leucocyte count, POCT

White blood cell count, HemoCue, POCT (4130): Leucocytes

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count and evaluation of blood cell morphology

Leucocyte differential count and evaluation of blood cell morphology (4180): Leucocyte differential count and evaluation of red blood cells.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 3-part

Leucocyte differential count, 3-part, automated: ABX, Advia, Cell-Dyn, Coulter, Nihon Kohden, Mindray (4200): Absolute numbers of leucocytes, lymphocytes, mononuclear cells and granulocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 3-part

Leucocyte differential count, 3-part, automated: Sysmex (4201): Absolute numbers of leucocytes, lymphocytes, mononuclear cells and granulocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucosyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Siemens Advia (4230): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Cell-Dyn (4231): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Coulter (4232): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Sysmex (4233): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: ABX Pentra (4234): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Coulter ACT5-diff (4235): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Mindray (4236): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Nikon Kohden (4237): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Mythic (4239): Leucocytes, basophils, eosinophils, granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, 5-part

Leucocyte differential count, 5-part, automated: Coulter DxH 560 AL (4240): –

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Leucocyte differential count, POCT

White blood cell differential count: HemoCue, POCT (4190): Leucocytes, neutrophiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils.

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Lipids and lipoproteins

Lipids and lipoproteins (2200): Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein apo A1, lipoprotein apo A2, lipoprotein apo B, lip

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Lipids and lipoproteins

Lipoprotein a (2202): Lp(a)

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Anticoagulants: LMW-Heparin/antiFXa (4387): LMW-heparin/antiFXA

Clinical haematology


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Malaria, antigen detection POCT

Malaria, antigen detection (5430): Antigen and nucleic acid detection. Target antigens: HRP2 and/or pLDH and/or aldolase.

Clinical microbiology


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Measles virus, antibodies

Measles virus, antibodies (5668): Measles virus IgG and IgM antibodies and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Meningitis-encephalitis multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Meningitis-encephalitis multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5303): Most common bacterial, viral and fungal agents causing meningitis and enchephalitis (Escherichia coli K1, H. influenzae , L. monocytogenes , N. meningitidis , Str. agalactiae , Str. pneumoniae , HPeV, HSV1, HSV2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, enterovirus, Cryptococcus neoformans)

Clinical microbiology

Multiplex methods

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Methyl malonate (DEKS)

Methyl malonate [DEKS] (8815): P-Methyl-malonate

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Monkeypox virus, nucleic acid detection

Monkeypox virus, nucleic acid detection (5683): –

Clinical microbiology


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Multiple respiratory virus nucleic acid detection

Multiple respiratory virus nucleic acid detection (5562): Influenza A NAT, Influenza B NAT, RSV NAT and SARS-CoV-2 NAT

Clinical microbiology


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Mumps virus, antibodies

Mumps virus, antibodies (5669): Mumps virus IgG and IgM antibodies and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Mycobacterial culture and stain (5220): Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria: culture, direct nucleic acid detection, acid-fast staining and microscopy.

Clinical microbiology


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Mycobacterial nucleic acid detection (5221): Direct nucleic acid detection

Clinical microbiology


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Mycobacterial stain (5240): Acid-fast staining and microscopy.

Clinical microbiology


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, rifampicin and isoniazid, nucleic acid detection

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, rifampicin and isoniazid, nucleic acid detection (5230): Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleic acid detection, rifampicin susceptibility and isoniazid susceptibility

Clinical microbiology


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Mycoplasma pneumoniae, antibodies

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, antibodies (5980): M. pneumoniae IgG, IgM and total antibodies, clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Myocardial markers

CRP, low concentration (1541): CRP

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Myocardial markers

Myocardial markers (2540): CK MB mass, myoglobin, quantitative troponin I, quantitative troponin T

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Myocardial markers

Myocardial markers and CRP, low concentration (2541): CK-MB mass, myoglobin, quantitative troponin I, quantitative troponin T and CRP, low concentration

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Myocardial markers

Myocardial markers, test round (2542):

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Nasal swab cells

Nasal swab cells (2651): Eosinophils, neutrophils.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Natriuretic peptides

Natriuretic peptides 1, B-type, NT-ProBNP (2690): NT-proBNP

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Natriuretic peptides

Natriuretic peptides 2, B-type, BNP (2691): BNP

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc), culture and susceptibility testing

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc), culture and susceptibility testing (5120): Culture, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Also suitable for laboratories performing preliminary screening.

Clinical microbiology


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Norovirus, nucleic acid detection

Norovirus, nucleic acid detection (5675): Norovirus NAT, genogroups GI and GII.

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood

Parasites in blood, Giemsa stain (5460): Screening and identification of malaria plasmodia and other blood parasites.

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood

Parasites in blood, MGG stain (5461): Screening and identification of malaria plasmodia and other blood parasites.

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood

Malaria screening, Giemsa stain (5462): –

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood

Malaria screening, MGG stain (5463): –

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood, virtual microscopy

Parasites in blood, Giemsa stain, virtual microscopy (5470): Screening and identification of malaria plasmodia and other blood parasites.

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in blood, virtual microscopy

Parasites in blood, MGG stain, virtual microscopy (5471): Screening and identification of malaria plasmodia and other blood parasites.

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in faeces

Parasites in faeces (5440): Screening and identification of intestinal parasites (ova and parasites).

Clinical microbiology


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Parasites in faeces, virtual microscopy

Parasites in faeces, virtual microscopy (5450): Screening and identification of intestinal parasites (ova and parasites).

Clinical microbiology


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Parathyroid hormone

Parathyroid hormone (2250): PTH, intact

Clinical chemistry


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Parvovirus (B19), antibodies

Parvovirus (B19), antibodies (5660): Parvovirus IgG, IgM and total antibodies, IgG avidity and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Percentiler program (Noklus)

Percentiler program (Noklus) (3500): –

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Phospholipid antibodies

Phospholipid antibodies (5937): Phospholipid antibodies, Cardiolipin antibodies (IgG and IgM), beta-2-glycoprotein antibodies (IgG and IgM).

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Preanalytics , microbiology

Preanalytics, microbiology (7802): Participants are asked to find preanalytical error(s) in the cases.

Pre- and post-analytics


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Preanalytics and process in anatomic pathology

Preanalytics and process in anatomic pathology (7806): Participants are asked to find preanalytical error(s) in the cases.

Pre- and post-analytics


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Preanalytics, clinical chemistry

Preanalytics, clinical chemistry (7800): Laboratories are asked to find preanalytical error(s) in the cases.

Pre- and post-analytics


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Preanalytics, Pneumatic Sample Transport

Preanalytics, Pneumatic Sample Transport (7807): Ability to determine contribution of transport to total observed haemolysis (vs. other pre-analytical factors).

Pre- and post-analytics


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Preanalytics, POCT in chemistry

Preanalytics, POCT in chemistry (7804): Participants are asked to find preanalytical error(s) in the cases.

Pre- and post-analytics


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Preanalytics, urine and blood sample collection

Preanalytics, urine and blood sample collection (7801): –

Pre- and post-analytics


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Pregnancy test

Pregnancy test (3270): Qualitative hCG

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Procalcitonin (2280): Procalcitonin

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Prostate specific antigen

Prostate specific antigen (2226): PSA, complexed PSA, free PSA, free/total PSA ratio.

Clinical chemistry

Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

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Proteins in cerebrospinal fluid

Proteins in cerebrospinal fluid (2160): Cerebrospinal fluid: Albumin, IgG, total protein, IgG index. Serum: Albumin, IgG.

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Proteins, electrophoresis

Proteins, electrophoresis (2240): Electrophoresis, contains immunofixation, pre- and/or postanalytical indicators

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Proteins, immunochemical determinations

Proteins, immunochemical determinations (2230): 2 liquid or lyophilized human serum samples, 1 mL each.

Clinical chemistry

Specific proteins

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Prothrombin time

Prothrombin time (4300): : Prothrombin time, PT%.

Clinical haematology


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Prothrombin time, POCT

INR, CoaguChek, i-STAT and Siemens Xprecia, POCT (4335): Prothrombin time in INR unit.

Clinical haematology


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Prothrombin time, POCT

INR, EuroLyzer, POCT (4337): Prothrombin time in INR unit.

Clinical haematology


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Prothrombin time, POCT

INR, MicroINR, LumiraDX and CoagSense, POCT (4338): Prothrombin time in INR unit.

Clinical haematology


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Prothrombin time, POCT

INR, LabPad, POCT (4340): Prothrombin time in INR unit

Clinical haematology


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Puumala virus, antibodies

Puumala virus, antibodies (5560): Puumala virus IgG, IgM and total antibodies, POC tests and specific antibodies, IgG avidity and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Respiratory adenovirus, antigen detection

Respiratory adenovirus, antigen detection (5673): Adenovirus Ag

Clinical microbiology


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Respiratory infections multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Respiratory infections multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5300): Direct multiplex nucleic acid detection. Pathogens included are Adenovirus, B. parapertussis, B. pertussis, C. pneumoniae, Coronavirus (OC43, 229E, NL63, HKU1), Enterovirus, Influenzavirus A/B, L. pneumophila, Metapneumovirus, M. pneumoniae, Parainfluenzavirus 1-4 , Rhinovirus, RSV A/B, SARS-CoV-2, S. pneumoniae

Clinical microbiology

Multiplex methods

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, manual methods (4140): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, automated: Siemens Advia (4150): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, automated: Cell-Dyn 4000, Saphire (4151): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, automated: Coulter Gens, LH750 (4152): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, automated: Sysmex (4153): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocte count, automated: ABX Pentra (4154): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, automated: Cell Dyn 3200, 3500, 3700, Ruby (4155): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Reticulocyte count

Reticulocyte count, Mindray (4156): Reticulocyte count

Clinical haematology

Cell count and cell morphology

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Rheumatoid factor and citrullic peptide antibodies

Rheumatoid factor and citrullic peptide antibodies (5820): Qualitative and quantitative RF, CCPAb.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Rotavirus and adenovirus, antigen detection

Rotavirus and adenovirus, antigen detection (5098): Rotavirus and adenovirus antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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RS virus, antigen detection

RS virus, antigen detection (5672): RSVAg

Clinical microbiology


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Rubella virus, antibodies

Rubella virus, antibodies (5667): Rubella virus IgG and IgM antibodies, IgG avidity and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Salivary Cortisol

Salivary Cortisol (2706): Salivary cortisol

Clinical chemistry


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Salmonella culture

Salmonella, culture (5180): Culture

Clinical microbiology


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SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection

SARS-CoV-2, antigen detection (5681): SARS-CoV-2 Ag

Clinical microbiology


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SARS-CoV-2, antibodies

SARS-CoV-2, antibodies (5677): SARS-CoV-2 IgA, IgG, IgM and total antibodies

Clinical microbiology


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SARS-CoV-2, nucleic acid detection

SARS-CoV-2, nucleic acid detection (5676): SARS-CoV-2 NAT

Clinical microbiology


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Semen analysis

Semen analysis (6400): Concentration, morphology and motility.

Clinical andrology


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Sexually transmitted diseases multiplex, nucleic acid detection

Sexually transmitted diseases multiplex, nucleic acid detection (5302): Direct multiplex nucleic acid detection. Pathogens included are C. trachomatis, M. genitalium, M. hominis, N. gonorrhoeae, T. vaginalis, U. parvum and U. urealyticum.

Clinical microbiology

Multiplex methods

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Special coagulation

Special coagulation (4386): Thrombin time, Antithrombin, Factor VIII, Protein C, Protein S

Clinical haematology


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Spirometry (7120): Löydökset, Teknisen laadun arviointi

Clinical physiology


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Sputum cells

Sputum cells (2652): Eosinophils, neutrophils.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), culture

Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), culture (5594): Culture, direct nucleic acid detection and antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), nucleic acid detection

Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS), nucleic acid detection (5599): –

Clinical microbiology


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Streptococcus pneumoniae, antigen detection

Streptococcus pneumoniae, antigen detection in urine (5598): S. pneumoniae antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A), detection in pharyngeal sample

Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A), nucleic acid detection in pharyngeal sample (5593): Nucleic acid detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A), detection in pharyngeal sample

Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A), antigen detection in pharyngeal sample (5595): Antigen detection.

Clinical microbiology


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Surveillance culture for multidrug resistant bacteria

Surveillance for multidrug resistant bacteria, MRSA (5071): The scheme is intended for laboratories performing screening of MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) by culture and/or direct nucleic acid detection method.

Clinical microbiology


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Surveillance culture for multidrug resistant bacteria

Surveillance for multidrug resistant bacteria, VRE (5072): The scheme is intended for laboratories performing screening of VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci) by culture and/or direct nucleic acid detection method.

Clinical microbiology


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Surveillance culture for multidrug resistant bacteria

Surveillance for multidrug resistant bacteria, gramnegative rods (5073): The scheme is intended for laboratories performing screening of multidrug resistant gramnegative rods (e.g. CPE, ESBL, MDR Acinetobacter and P. aeruginosa) by culture and/or direct nucleic acid detection method.

Clinical microbiology


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Synovial fluid crystals

Synovial fluid crystals (2640): Sodium urate monohydrate and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Syphilis serology

Syphilis serology (5880): Cardiolipin, Treponema pallidum antibodies, post-analytical clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology

Bacterial serology

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Therapeutic drugs

Therapeutic drugs (2410): Amikasin, amitriptyline, carbamazepine, carbamazepine free, cyclosporine, digoxin, disopyramide, ethosuximide, flecainide, gentamycin, lidocaine, lithium, methotrexate, NAPA, netilmycin, nortriptyline, paracetamol (acetaminophen), phenobarbital, phenytoin, phenytoin free, primidone, procainamide, quinidine, salicylate, theophylline, tobramycin, tricyclics, valproic acid, valproic acid free, vancomycin.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Throat streptococcal culture

Throat streptococcal culture, screening and identification (5140): Culture and identification of group A, C and G streptococci.

Clinical microbiology


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Throat streptococcal culture

Throat streptococcal culture, screening (5141): Culture and identification of group A, C and G streptococci.

Clinical microbiology


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Thyroid gland antibodies

Thyroid gland antibodies (5920): Thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Pre- and/or post-analytical cases in part of the rounds.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies

TSH receptor antibodies (5913): Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies.

Clinical immunology

Immunology, diagnostics

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Tick-borne encephalitis virus, antibodies

Tick-borne encephalitis virus, antibodies (5099): TBE IgG, IgM, total antibodies and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Toxoplasma antibodies

Toxoplasma, antibodies (5420): IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies, avidity and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Trichomonas vaginalis, antigen detection

Trichomonas vaginalis, antigen detection (7474): –

Clinical microbiology


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Trichomonas vaginalis, detection

Trichomonas vaginalis, detection (5473): Detection of Trichomonas vaginalis antigen and nucleic acid (NAT).

Clinical microbiology


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Troponin I and troponin T, POC

Troponin I and troponin T, detection, POCT (2530): Detection of troponin I and troponin T

Clinical chemistry

Cardiac markers

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Tryptase [UK NEQAS]

Tryptase [UK NEQAS] (2685): Tryptase

Clinical chemistry


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Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

Tumour markers (2700): AFP, CA 125, CA 153, CA 199, CEA, ferritin, hCG (total, intact, beta-subunit), PSA, PSA free, PSA free/total index, TG, TG antibodies, beta-2-microglobulin, NSE, HE4.

Clinical chemistry

Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

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Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

Tumour markers, limited selecton of analytes (2700S): AFP, CA 125, CA 153, CA 199, CEA, ferritin, hCG (total, intact, beta-subunit), PSA, PSA free, PSA free/total index, TG, TG antibodies, beta-2-microglobulin, NSE, HE4.

Clinical chemistry

Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

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Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

Anti-Müllerian hormone (2703): Anti-Müllerian hormone

Clinical chemistry

Tumour Markers and Anti-Müllerian hormone

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Urine bacterial screening with automated analyzers

Virtsan bakteerien seulonta automaateilla (3170): Bacterial, erythrocytes and leukocytes counting

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine culture

Urine culture, quantitative screening (5060): Culture and quantitation, pre-and/or post-analytical indicators

Clinical microbiology


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Urine culture

Urine culture, quantitative screening, identification and susceptibility (5065): Culture, quantitation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, pre-and/or post-analytical indicators

Clinical microbiology


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Urine particle identification

Urine, identification of cells and other particles (3200): Identification of cells and other particles.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine quantitative chemistry

Urine, quantitative chemistry (3160): Albumin, amylase, calcium, chloride, cortisol-free, creatinine, glucose, magnesium, osmolality, pH, phosphorus, potassium, protein, relative density, sodium, urea, uric acid.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine strip test A, POC

Urine, strip test A (3100): Glucose, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, blood, relative density.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine strip test A, POC

Urine Strip Test A (LT/FR) (3102): U-Bilirubin,U-Erythrocytes,U-Glucose,U-Ketones,U-Leukocytes,U-Nitrite,U-Protein,U-Relative density,U-Urobilinogen,U-pH

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine strip test A, POC

Urine, strip test A, 15 mL water for sample dissolution (3101):

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine strip test and particle count

Urine, strip test B, particle count and estimation of density (3130): Particle count: erythrocytes and leukocytes. Estimation of density: creatinine, relative density, osmolality. Strip tests: glucose, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, blood.

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Urine strip test and particle count

Urine, strip test B, 15 mL water for sample dissolution (3131):

Clinical chemistry

Urine analysis

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Varicella-zoster virus, antibodies

Varicella-zoster virus, antibodies (5665): Varicella zoster IgG, IgM, total antibodies and clinical interpretation.

Clinical microbiology


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Vitamin A, E and D metabolites

Vitamin A, E and D metabolites (2480): Vitamin A, vitamin E, 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Vitamin A, E and D metabolites, extra set of samples

Vitamin A, E and D metabolites, extra set of samples (2481): Vitamin A, vitamin E, 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D.

Clinical chemistry

Special chemistry

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Zika virus, antibodies

Zika virus, antibodies (5636): Zika virus IgG, Zika virus IgM, clinical interpretation

Clinical microbiology


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