External Quality Assessment (EQA) – IQLS

About EQA:

EQA is one component of quality assurance (QA), which ensures that tests are performed accurately, results are comparable and reproducible, and errors are detected and corrected to avoid adverse outcomes or wrong diagnosis.

    EQA consists of:

  • On-site evaluation of laboratories by standardized techniques
  • Panel testing (also called proficiency testing)
  • Rechecking of pathological material or slides

About proficiency testing:

Participation in a proficiency testing will provide your laboratory with valuable data and information. It will allow you to compare performance and test results in different sites and/or performance at international or regional level. It will provide you with warning signals for systematic problems, objective evidence of testing quality. Areas to be improved and training needs will be clearly identified.

Upon request, we develop the policies and procedures, manage the sample’s selection, the parcel and create online application for entering results and program management.

IQLS currently organizes and manages schemes for 4 different types of pathogens: