FTA and the IMI Program – IMI

Integrated Mobility Innovation

FTA’s Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) Program funds projects that demonstrate innovative and effective practices, partnerships and technologies to enhance public transportation effectiveness, increase efficiency, expand quality, promote safety and improve the traveler experience.

IMI advances FTA’s vision of mobility for all by promoting equitable, accessible, and safe transportation for all Americans.

On March 16, 2020, FTA announced selections for $20.3 million in FY19 IMI projects. The demonstration projects focus on Mobility on Demand, Strategic Transit Automation Research and Mobility Payment Integration to:

  • Explore new business approaches and technology solutions that support mobility
  • Enable communities to adopt innovative mobility solutions that enhance transportation efficiency and effectiveness
  • Facilitate the widespread deployment of proven mobility solutions that expand personal mobility

FTA issued the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the IMI program in the summer of 2019. In response to the NOFO, FTA received 104 eligible project proposals totaling approximately $107 million.