Fashion Brands के सही pronunciation सीखें – Namaste English

Branded कपड़े, जूते, jwellery आदि लेना सबको पसंद है पर मुश्किल तब होती है जब हमें इस brands के नामों का सही उच्चारण नहीं कर पाते। बहुत बार ये एक बहुत ही awkward situation पैदा करती है। इसलिए आज कुछ brands के सही pronunciation जानते हैं –
GUCCI: गूची (Incorrect – गक्की) [An Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods.]
VERSACE: वरसाची/ वर्साची (Incorrect – वरसेस) [An Italian luxury fashion company which produces ready-to-wear and leather accessories.]
DOLCE AND GABBANA: डोल्चे एंड गबाना (Incorrect – डोल्से एंड गबाना) [This Italian luxury brand is also abbreviated as D&G.]
VAN HEUSEN: वैन ह्यूसन (Incorrect – वान हूसेन) [An American clothing company that primarily deals in men’s clothing.]
HERMES: एरमेज़ (Incorrect हर्मीज़) [A French high fashion luxury goods brand]
CHANEL: शनैल (Incorrect – चैनल) [A French fashion company that specializes in ready-to-wear clothes, luxury goods, and fashion accessories.]
LOUIS VUITTON: लूई विटौं/लूई वितां (Incorrect – लुईस वूटॉन) [A French label famous for its trademark handbags, luxury trunks, etc.]
BULGARI: बुलगरी (Incorrect – बलगारी) [An Italian jewelry and luxury goods brand]
BURBERRY: बर्बरी (Incorrect – बरबैरी) [British luxury fashion house]
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN: क्रिस्चाँ लुबुटां/ लुबुतां (Incorrect – क्रिस्टियन लुबॉटिन) [French fashion designer footwear company]