Fault Tree Analysis | Quality Gurus
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a method for identifying potential failure modes in systems or processes. The goal is to identify the conditions under which failures might occur and then design countermeasures to prevent them.
FTA is a graphical method for analyzing system-wide failure modes. It uses boolean logic (AND/OR) to combine a series of low-order components into a single high-order failure mode.
FTA helps us to analyze our projects and see where they might fail. This way, we can take steps to mitigate those risks before they happen.
Logic Gates
A fault tree is a diagram showing the possible causes of a problem and the likelihood of each cause occurring. There are two most commonly used logic gates in the fault tree analysis: AND Gate and OR Gate.
In the OR gate, the output is true if at least one of the inputs is true. Whereas in the AND gate, the output is only true if all of the inputs are true.