Feed – Aquaculture Roundtable Malawi

More farmed fish for everyone


The overall objective of the Feed EWG is to promote collaboration and increased use of standardised and certified high-quality feed in order to produce quality and marketable fish.

Specific objectives

  1. Promote increased production of quality fish feed
  2. Promote adherence to standards during production of fish feed
  3. Develop and maintain a data base of feed producers for effective partnership among stakeholders
  4. Facilitate discussions/meetings of feed producer, if that is desired by livestock/fish feed players
  5. Support access of international feeds within Malawi

Action Areas

  • Identify research needs in fish feed production
  • Identify gaps and challenges available in fish feed production
  • Maintain an inventory of current fish feed producers
  • Disseminate knowledge and technology in use of fish feeds
  • Create awareness among fish farmers on use of certified high-quality feed
  • Promote integrity and standards in production and sell of fish feed
  • Facilitate linkages between certified fish feed producers and fish farmers
  • Introduce and/or boost the use of internationally high-quality feeds (from Zambia)

The working group will specifically also work on the following subjects:

  • Production of high quality feed accessible to all small-scale farmers
  • Assess the available feed mills
  • Improve feed storage practices
  • Elaborate strategies to attract investors or retailer of fish feeds
  • Undertake studies to showcase potential markets for fish feeds
  • Work on feed quality control mechanism
  • Avail capacity building measures to develop technical skills for feed production
  • Actively discuss with international firms’ ways of availing high quality international fish feeds in Malawi.
  • What about the sub working group? The one that will be monitoring the standards. The same applies for the fingering working group