Flexeserve Zone® | The right food packaging ensures product quality.

The right food packaging ensures that product quality is retained throughout the holding process.

It cannot be overstated, just how important packing is in achieving true hot-holding. The key to preserving many food items and preventing moisture loss is to create the correct micro-climate within the packaging itself. The most appropriate materials are determined by the dish’s ingredients and water content, the ideal eating experience for the consumer, and the target shelf-life.

The whole nine yards

We provide innovative packaging solutions from leading worldwide packaging manufacturers, as well as utilising off-the-shelf options, to best suit each product for optimum performance within a Flexeserve hot-holding unit. Through our innovative approach to packaging, equipment, menu development and in-store operations, we will help you to surpass customer demands.

The bread conundrum

We are often approached by new customers for our ability to hot-hold bread. Successfully hot-holding bread involves controlling a number of factors, with the bread packaging having a considerable impact on the end result. The wrong packaging can result in sweating and the build-up of excess moisture, which leads to a soggy or dried-out, chewy or crunchy, unsatisfying bread product.

We advise on the right packaging solution for the type of bread you are serving, to allow the optimum amount of airflow and moisture control. When combining this with our unique hot air recirculation technology, we achieve excellent results.

Responsible packaging

We are proactive in our selection of fully recyclable or compostable materials and are striving to avoid single-use plastics, as this is a key area that the food industry specifically is trying to improve. This is also being driven, in part, by increasingly environmentally conscious consumers, some of whom have become discerning towards the recyclability of packaging.

Examples from the approved Flexeserve packaging range

Try before you buy

Deciding on packaging can be difficult, particularly when trying to visualise how it will showcase products. As part of our unique service, we offer a complimentary packaging box, with a sample selection of packaging that we believe will be suitable for our client’s specific needs. This includes packaging options for products such as wraps, rolls, soups and much more.

Being able to see and touch packaging gives you a better understanding of the options available and the relationship between products, packaging and Flexeserve technology. Our clients have found these packaging boxes to be a great help, allowing them to make more informed decisions on how they present their products.

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