Free Grammar Checker
Professional users need an AI writing assistant that provides consistently excellent corrections and suggestions everywhere they write online. Writer achieves that for professional writers by providing the following features:
- Grammar AI that understands some rules are meant to be broken: You have a style and we get that. Not all grammar rules are meant to be followed. Writer’s false-flag rate is lower than any other tool, because the underlying machine learning models are trained on data from people writing at work — not students or people just starting to learn English.
- Brand voice guidelines: Customize Writer’s voice suggestions to suit you. Are you formal, but approachable? Or friendly and casual? Make sure everything you write is aligned with your brand voice preferences.
- Customizable content styleguide: Your editorial guidelines should be your own. From date formats to punctuation use to capitalization preferences, select your own, and then share them with a team. Writer is the most customizable writing assistant available, and the choice of professional writers.
Interested in learning more about the differences between Writer and Grammarly? Check out this breakdown of the differences by an independent content strategist who analyzed both online grammar check tools for professional use.