Fujifilm X100V Review: Full Coverage and Hands On Video

A jacket pocket sized vintage-inspired camera that was, quite literally, made with the street photographer in mind.

This camera was, quite literally, made for street photography. Its clean color profile, delicious film emulators, and vintage exterior shell proved to me that this tool is more than just ordinary. I have boasted about my X100F in the past and felt compelled to upgrade after toying with this brand new baby. With it’s flip up screen, you’re able to fully shoot at the hip while roaming the streets for an even more discrete feel within your street photography. The X100F became more difficult to shoot over time because I’d have to bring it up to my eye and my subjects would feel and look uncomfortable. I don’t want weary faces when they see me taking a picture — I want to capture what they looked like before they saw my camera. The flip up screen also showcases a live preview of selected settings, making it easy to manually change your ISO and shutter speed on the go. Best part? You can fit this right inside your jacket pocket with ease; perfectly snug against your body for a low-profile silhouette.

The images are as sharp as can be, truly incredible JPEG files straight out of the camera. While the X100V is not new to FujiFilm’s fun film stock emulators, it does have some varied options for those who might prefer a subtle look, or a dramatic vibe. It’s f/2.0 is as sharp as a small camera can take — tack sharp. This has been dramatically updated from Fujifilm’s X models’ previous specs, boasting an evermore apparent reason to add this puppy to your camera bag.

Let’s address an elephant in the room — you’re not going to buy this for video. While it does shoot 4K at 30FPS, it doesn’t shoot at 24FPS which is the preferred speed for a more cinematic look. If you’re wanting to grab just a few shots on your day out shooting, you can do so and it’ll look creamy, but I wouldn’t shoot an entire production on the 100V. There are better, more preferred options out there. Like Fuji’s X-T4.

  • 90 Degree Flip Up Screen: The camera includes a flip up screen that encourages street photographers to shoot at the hip while on the go.
  • X-Processor 4 Image Processor: Gorgeous colors straight from the camera that allows users to put their trust back in the JPEG.
  • Aesthetically Pleasing: Fuji rocks the sexy vintage shell unlike any other brand, making it easy to add this to your camera shelf back home.
  • Not For Video: While the video is passable and does a great job for hobbyists, I wouldn’t suggest his being a camera for a professional.
  • The Colors: The log-profile screen grabs from video seem almost too good to be true; they boast natural colors and realistic detail. Beautiful straight out of the camera.