Gabrielle Essence Chanel perfume – a fragrance for women 2019

Sunshine, Bright, Happy Floral – Great for Spring Summer!
First strong note, lemon with a background chorus of white/yellow florals. Honey is present.

The fragrance chord is solid and simple enough that this could be used to layer with other perfumes. Gabrielle Essence is a nice perfume and one that I would consider to be a signature fragrance for floral lovers.

Test Day 2 –

The first day I sprayed this, it is a rather “quite” fragrance, it doesn’t have the 1980’s strength that I often prefer. This is a new genre altogether from most of my other perfume favorites. I ordered samples of this and was about ready to send this back, when I decided to give this the “warm water test” by spraying this about 15 minutes before I headed into the shower.

Wow, the warm water from the shower opened this perfume up.
This is a sunshine-y type blend that feels fresh, warm, and joyous.
I couldn’t really smell this much, until seeing what happened with this in the shower.
It is a glorious warm deliciously “happy” yellow floral scent.

This perfume would really work for someone who likes a softer presence with perfume, someone who perhaps typically can’t wear perfumes because they are irritated by allergies.
This is a safe school or work fragrance, this blooms more after the first hour of wear and becomes more obvious.


When you have powered through the 80’s and learned to love those perfumes, sometimes anything with less strength feels weak.

My challenge for Channel –
I would make an INTENSE version of Gabrielle Essence.
I feel that you are onto something Reeeeeally Goooooood here —
You definitely have an audience for this Gabrielle Essence, but I feel that there is a wider audience for this particular perfume if you could add a bit more strength to it where it resonates more with the perfumes that have more presence.


I feel that Gabrielle Essence is in the range of “Sunshine White Florals” –
Jessica Simpson’s Vintage Bloom is like a sunshine younger sister to Gabrielle Essence – I like the transparent watercolor lemonade type wash of this perfume. It is a different intensity to Gabrielle Essence, they do not compete with each other – but are in the same genre.
I like Gabrielle Essence better than Lady Million by Paco Robanne and the dupe of this, Cash by La Reve. They are in the same genre, but Chanel really does a much better job bringing the florals to life in GE than the Lady Million and Cash.

[If you like Gabrielle Essence, I would also try Lady Million by Paco Robanne (the original, not the flankers). There are several notes that are similar, only Lady Million has a couple of notes which lean in the direction of Suavitel laundry detergent, which is one of my very favorite laundry aromas. Gabrielle Essence smells slightly more balmy and has a couple of notes that smell more citrus/sharp (with the Chanel-type DNA)- than Lady Million, but they both have that SUNSHINE type vibe to them. These two are are about 85% similar when first sprayed – close enough where they are like two sisters; they both take on more of their characteristics as this blends with the chemistry of the skin.

Jessica Simpson’s Vintage Bloom would be a more light transparent watercolor type whimsical perfume which resonates with this spring in a bottle type quality of Chanel’s Gabrielle Essence. It is a fun perfume to try for days when you want a slight change, but still want to keep within this same signature genre.]

It has been years since I reviewed the perfume called “Joy” – but this has some of the same type impressions that Joy has. I will have to remind myself to try these side by side at some point.


Gabrielle Essence is Similar to Christian Dior’s J’Adore In Joy (which has more of a soft peach color and smell). Gabrielle Essence is less salty and possibly a softer, less obvious perfume. I prefer the chemistry of Gabrielle Essence, it is much better with my chemistry (I had to return J’Adore In Joy because it turned to a strong salt smell after the initial sparkling fizz).

I did a test with several different fragrances in this same type genre, and amazingly – Gabrielle Essence has such a beautiful floral thing that happens as this opens up in the dry down phase. This is so uncharacteristic for most softer fragrances that begin super soft, almost a whisper. As this wears on the skin past the first hour of wear, the florals start to emerge. This is truly a magnificent floral, but was not apparent upon the first hour of wear. This blends much better with my chemistry than J’Adore’s In Joy.


A week into sampling this –

This is a “sunshine” floral, you will love this if that is one of your favorite genre’s of perfume.
This works well with my chemistry, the more I wear this, the more I like this –
This may turn out to be a LOVE, who knows – only time will tell, right?

I wore this one day before taking a shower shortly afterwards – I couldn’t really smell Gabrielle Essence on, until being in the enclosed shower space. Wow, this is a really GREAT Floral! I think this is one that you should try if you really like sunshine type florals… this definitely leans bright, yellow/golden – it is a beautiful perfume.


Must love florals to really like this one.
If you don’t appreciate the floral profile, you will not like this one.
However, if you really gravitate to florals, you will adore this one!
This has definitely been on my mind since sampling it.
It made a very good impression – particularly after the warm water test!


After wearing Beauty by Calvin Klein most of the summer, this is strong enough…
I don’t really think you’d need an “intense” version of this. This goes on with full commitment, it wears with enough silage and projection where people will be able to tell that you have perfume ON.


If you love Gabrielle Essence for spring/summer — you may really like the Panther by Cartier line of perfumes. I’m trying this side by side now – and Gabrielle Essence is almost like the upper register of the Panther perfume by Cartier. There is more of a floral note in the mid-range notes, and Gabrielle Essence doesn’t have the lower the tenor/base notes and woodsiness of Panther…but it is harmonious… almost an extension of one perfume up into a higher register of the piano… as if playing scales and going a bit higher and brighter (more floral) for Gabrielle Essence —- and Panther is the lower chord extension of the notes with a shade more grounding, earthiness, woodsiness.

There I go with piano again, but seriously — if you have played chords on a piano, you will totally “get” this analogy! ; )