Gap Model of Hotel Industry – BMS | Bachelor of Management Studies Unofficial Portal


Gap1: Management didn’t correctly perceive what exactly customer wants.

Eg. Manger of the restaurant perceives that customer wants good ambiance & quality service. But he fails to recognize that customer actually wants good food; and good ambiance & quality service are of secondary importance.


Gap2: Management knows what a customer wants but can’t deliver it.


Eg. Management knows that business call people wants quick service. If they order tea  or order a meal they want within few minutes. However, this is practically possible b’coz the limitation on the part of chef who needs at least 2 min. to prepare a tea and 12 min. to prepare a meal.

Gap3: Management knows the customer wants, sets standard to deliver them; but still fails.

For e.g. Mgmt. Knows that front stage personnel are very important and they represent the hotel so they must behave well and provide proper service willingly. So, to ensure this hotel also provides them training. But in spite hotel fails b’coz of attitude of the front stage employee & unwillingness to work.


Gap 4: Customer expectation arises from company’s advertisement but is not met.

For e.g. Orchid Hotel in its print ad show a very good ambience but customer actually goes there he doesn’t find so.


Gap 5: The customer misperceives the service.

For e.g. By hearing the name Hill view, the customer perceives it to be a 5-star hotel but it turns out to be a 2-star hotel.