Google Quality Score: How Quality Score Works with Google

Google Account Quality Score is the result of performance using all account history. This includes all the keywords and advertisements.

Google doesn’t actually confirm the existence of this Account Quality Score. And, there are several layers of Google Quality Score besides Keyword Quality Score.

Don’t choose a lot of low-Quality Score keywords.

If there are low CTR ads with poor performance in your account’s history, your account’s Quality Score will be low. This will cost you more throughout the course of your ad campaign.

Google Account Quality Score suggests that Google carries favoritism for older accounts. When compared with new ones, that does make sense.

If your account has a history of good performance, performance will be better than a new user’s campaign. It could take months of successful campaigns to see a boost in low performing accounts. It might be tempting to create a brand new Google Ads account. But starting over is actually against the Google Ads policy.

You will need to work within your existing account to restructure efforts. Abide by the keyword, ad group, and landing page relevance guidelines. These rules are outlined by Google.

Most advertisers argue how they handle dealing with low Google Quality Score keywords.

Some of them claim that you should delete ads as soon as it’s clear that they won’t perform well. Others might claim that you should pause them until you can figure out how to improve their Quality Score.

Both options will help with low scoring keywords.

They won’t collect data or affect your Google Account Quality Score after they’ve been paused or removed. You need to consider how much search volume and traffic these keywords have generated before you make a final decision to delete your hard work.

If you choose to delete keywords from your account, the system may have problems turning those keywords back on later. Google would consider them as duplicates to your original campaign.

Common Misconceptions About Google Quality Scores