Gronroos Service quality

“The aims of this paper are to investigate using confirmatory factor analysis whether the existing functional service quality model can be used in the context of Malaysia and compares the functional service quality model provided for credit card consumers specifically to see if there are any differences between the three different groups of credit card users in Malaysia.This study used online survey for the purpose of data collection. A comparison between different types of credit card users using the measurement model (CFA) was conducted. The findings from the CFA for the FSQ model revealed that the replication of the Servperf model without any modification in the context of Malaysia possessed the discriminant validity concerns for Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy and Staff Conduct dimensions. Secondly, the multigroup comparison of the credit card holders revealed that there are differences between the groups as indicated in the findings. The findings from this study can be used by the banking industry in identifying the differences between diverse religious and cultural values for different groups to facilitate different marketing strategies. Furthermore, the findings revealed that different types of credit card users behave differently in their post-purchase behavioral. A distinction contribution of this study is that it is the first contextual study conducted in the Islamic credit-card industry. “