Guide for Quality Control in Flexo Printing

How to control quality in flexo Printing ?

Flexo printing is a process that requires high levels of printing quality. We have created this Ultimate Guide to Checking Your Flexo Printing Quality because there is no one way to determine whether your prints are high quality.

The following step-by-step guide will help you determine whether your prints have faded colors, smudges, or crooked lines.

 It will be easy for you to ensure that your prints meet the highest quality standards when you have this guide at your fingertips.

Understanding what affects print quality is the first step. The quality of your prints is affected by factors such as color accuracy, density, and resolution.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a home printer, high-quality prints are important. However, understanding printing quality can be challenging.

The ultimate guide will teach you how to check the quality of your Flexo printing step by step, ensuring each print is perfect and accurate.

A company’s branding and marketing materials depend heavily on the quality of printing. Check your Flexo printing quality regularly and make necessary adjustments to ensure your prints look great and perform as expected.

How do I check the quality of my flexo printer:

In order to determine the quality of a flexo printer, you must examine its output. There are different parts / units that play vital roles in a machine.

Anilox rollers, plate cylinders, plates, inks and materials can all affect the quality of flexo printing.

Anilox roller:

In flexographic presses, the Anilox Roller is often referred to as the heart. An ink delivery system provides consistent and precise ink flow to the printing plate.

It is essential for all flexo printers that the anilox gives the correct ink density from the first print and stays consistent throughout the whole run.

Plate cylinder:

Pressure-sensitive printing is a type of flexo printing. It is crucial to the flexographic printing process that plate cylinders perform consistently as the base element of the web production process. Inked images are transferred directly to the substrate by plates attached to plate cylinders. Flexo printing relies on plate cylinders to produce high-quality results.

Printing plate:

Printing is done by using a flexible plate, which was originally made of natural rubber, then of synthetic rubber, and now mainly of a photopolymer.

The print layout, half-tones and solid tones, is formed on the print plate. If the these plates doesn’t developed correctly the printing quality can’t be achieved.


Ink drying is another important factor in the printing process. Flexography makes it possible to use inks with a lower viscosity, allowing the printed images to dry more quickly. Last but not least, flexographic printing requires low ink consumption.


The printing press configuration in flexography is dependent on the material to be printed. It is the paper surface that receives the ink.

Flexo printing is a type of printing in which images or text are transferred from a plate to a paper by the use of heat and pressure. The resolution, color accuracy, linearity, and registration of flexo prints must meet certain requirements in order to produce consistent, high-quality prints. 

How can you ensure your flexo prints are of the highest quality?

To ensure the highest quality flexo prints, it is important to use a printer that has the best quality control features. 

The printer should have automatic alignment and calibration capabilities so that the prints are of consistent quality from print to print. 

Additionally, the printer should have a high precision gear train to ensure consistent printing speeds and smaller print defects.


Flexo printing quality control is essential to produce high-quality prints. There are a number of things that can go wrong during the printing process, which can result in blurry or distorted images. By following the above simple guidelines, you can ensure that your flexo prints look their best.

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