Health Evidence™ Quality Assessment Tool | Resource Details | National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools

Health Evidence™ (2018). Quality Assessment Tool – Review Articles. Retrieved from Organization website:

Canadian Template available Evaluated/validated En français


This practical, easy-to-use tool is designed to appraise systematic reviews and meta-analyses to determine the effectiveness of interventions.

Steps for Using Method/Tool

The tool guides users through 10 critical appraisal questions. Each question is assigned a point value based on the answer. The final score indicates the quality rating of the review. Each question addresses a key element of critical appraisal:

  1. Research question
  2. Inclusion/exclusion criteria
  3. Search strategy
  4. Search dates
  5. Level of evidence
  6. Methodological quality
  7. Results
  8. Analysis
  9. Appropriateness of analysis methods
  10. Interpretation


Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K., Robeson, P., Husson, H., Tirilis, D., & Greco, L. (2010). A knowledge management tool for public health: BMC Public Health, 10, 496.


Dobbins, M., DeCorby, K., Robeson, P., Husson, H., Tirilis, D., & Greco, L. (2010). A knowledge management tool for public health: BMC Public Health, 10, 496.

These summaries are written by the NCCMT to condense and to provide an overview of the resources listed in the Registry of Methods and Tools and to give suggestions for their use in a public health context. For more information on individual methods and tools included in the review, please consult the authors/developers of the original resources.

We have provided the resources and links as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by McMaster University of any of the products, services or opinions of the external organizations, nor have the external organizations endorsed their resources and links as provided by McMaster University. McMaster University bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites.