Hope and ambition are life’s necessities — Pushkin is an Interesting Character


Poe is amazingly hot, a surprisingly independent bitch, and y’all are blind.

Tell me this isn’t sexy –

● In an omake, when thinking up a suitable mystery that will safely house the ADA, he wants to goe all overboard into making it very impressive. Sure, he wants the world to recognise his talent, but his dedication proves that he works so hard purely for his love of imaginative, thrilling tales.

Most authors get away with writing basically embellished but simple autobiographies, basic as fuck human emotions and tragic nonfiction – and still achieve mass popularity.

But Poe ? He would never do that. His love is not for some relatable realism or feel – good fantasies that will earn bank with society – but for bizarre possibilities beyond our limited imagination. Look at how he subverts expectations. He’s set a standard for himself – to craft something at the level of a universal Creator in its blend of probability and improbability.

He aims for the sublime and unthinkable. It’s a near – impossible task but he’s determined to do it, to push human intellect to new heights. He wants to explore concepts that nobody ever has. He’s a pioneer of thought. It’s sexy as hell.

● There’s something so attractive about people who despite failures believe they’re awesome too and will take the glory they want. Though Poe’s extreme obsession with proving himself was mostly a colossal waste of his time and energy, we can all relate to this fire for glory. Nobody wants to accept that others are superior to them. This guy wants to be in charge, to have influence over people, to be admired by the crowd. He won’t be swayed from this deep seeded hunger for dominance. He won’t let anyone replace him as the genius.

Even after befriending Ranpo he keeps trying to outdo him. Because he won’t defer to anyone, won’t accept himself as less than even Ranpo.

This fire for supremacy, though illogical at times, is a great thing.

● His gothness and genius. He thinks up incredible futuristic crime stories, yet he’s not very evil. But he’s not some goody goody saccharine hearththrob either. He loves exploring the dark potential of humanity and the world, and sociology and psychology are sexy.

Also the manga implies that his futuristic technological vision in the Ranpo mystery is logically sound – which means he’s a scientific visionary too.

● He helped take down the Guild, because it had become ‘boring and barbaric.’ He’s not constrained by stupid loyalty ties to Fitzgerald’s self – centred goals (hey I totally understand Fitz’s attempt to bring back his daughter. But his actions don’t benefit others). He stands up for what he wants. Whereas Louisa derives meaning from serving Fitz, Poe doesn’t stick to people with unimaginative and possibly destructive goals just to ‘belong’ or feel ‘useful and appreciated’ or because he needs their power to feel better about his humiliation. He takes it upon himself to get what he deserves.

● He’s unpredictable as hell. He betrayed the Guild and nobody saw it coming. He allied with the Agency, but in large part due to his affinity for Ranpo. But then he came back to help Louisa. He regularly gets taken advantage of by Ranpo but also would have ended the Agency had he wanted Ranpo dead. He hates the Guild’s goals but helps Louisa, a staunch Guild loyalist, because he empathises with her.

This dude only does things that he wants to do. Nobody can force him. If he gets used by someone then it’s only because he believes there are more pros than cons of obeying them – if he ever got really pissed at them they’d be finished.

● His maniacal laughter when he trapped Ranpo in his novel. His obvious nervousness. He’s not some oh – so – sophisticated – and – cool fucking basic bitch. He’s totally in tune with his emotions and displays them sincerely. Which isn’t always the wise thing to do, but hell yeah does it make for a vibrant personality.